Friday, February 2, 2018

Will Trump Preside Over Largest Amnesty Ever Seen in This Country, The World?

In past weeks, there has been an increasingly strident debate over immigration "reform," particularly in the Senate, which has repeatedly exhibited paralysis (because of self-imposed filibuster and cloture rules requiring 60 votes to get anything done, rather than a simple majority). The impasse has led to inability to pass a budget for the fiscal year that's now half over, and the Democratic minority has used the opportunity to engage in fiscal hostage-taking to demand an amnesty for illegal aliens. A select number of Republicans, whose views on immigration mirror those of the Democrats, have joined in the effort.
The shape and size of the amnesty is amorphous, with the proposals growing ever larger, though the nucleus was supposedly to legalize the 700,000 or so aliens who benefited from the constitutionally questionable Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program instituted by the Obama administration.
Donald Trump on the campaign trail said he would end DACA because it was clearly an example of executive overreach. His position shifted as president: Instead, DACA was to be phased out over a period of many months, with two-year renewals being given in the interim. Trump then opened Pandora's box by inviting Congress to legislate the problem away (they had considered and rejected such legislation in the past, which is one reason Obama took matters into his own hands by implementing the equivalent of an imperial decree).
Trump went so far as to say that he would consider reopening the program if Congress failed to act – a threat he has repeated in recent days, despite earlier acknowledgements that the program was illegal and unconstitutional, and despite the fact that he is undercutting his own Justice Department, which is litigating the DACA shutdown in federal court.
How did we get here? --->
Read the rest from Dan Cadman HERE.

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