Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Trump Floats Maintaining Current Legal Immigration Levels

After all the promises made by the GOP leadership during the budget negotiations, one would assume that the delayed vote on a new DACA proposal would be coming up fairly soon. It’s far from a done deal, however, and the President is still tossing out a combination of sticks and carrots to the Democrats in an apparent effort to shape the discussion. The latest one was a suggestion that he might be willing to keep current legal immigration quotas in place in exchange for some other border security measures that conservatives are looking for. (LA Times)
As the Senate prepares to begin a free-wheeling debate over immigration next week, White House officials have begun floating a possible compromise idea — a pledge to maintain legal immigration at current levels, about 1.1 million people a year, for more than a decade. 
President Trump has proposed a series of measures, including restrictions on family unification, which he calls “chain migration,” and an end to the visa lottery, that critics say ultimately could cut legal immigration to America by 40% or more. 
But a White House official said Saturday that the Trump administration is working with allies in the Senate on a proposal that would create a path to citizenship for an estimated 1.8 million people who were brought to the country illegally as children, and that would clear the backlog of nearly 4 million sponsored relatives who currently are waiting for green cards.
Read the rest from Jazz Shaw HERE.

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