Tuesday, November 28, 2017

SPOILER ALERT: Former Marine Colonel Lee Busby Launches Last-Minute Establishment Write-In Campaign Against Roy Moore

Lee Busby/Facebook, George Frey/Getty Images
Lee Busby, a retired Marine colonel and former aide to White House Chief of Staff John Kelly, announced on Monday that he will launch a last-minute write-in campaign against Republican nominee Alabama Judge Roy Moore and Democrat Doug Jones.
Lee Busby argued that the allegations of sexual misconduct against Roy Moore created an opening for an establishment, centrist candidate to launch a third-party run for the December 12 Alabama Senate race.
Busby said, “I think you can flip this thing. If this were a military operation, the left flank and the right flank are heavily guarded. I think that gives you an opportunity to run straight up the middle.”
Busby’s write-in campaign mirrors Evan McMullin’s third party bid in the 2016 presidential election. McMullin, nicknamed “McMuffin” by Trump supporters, admitted during the presidential election that if he could not stop Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump from being elected president, he would be “happy” just stopping Trump from becoming the 45th president.
Read the rest of the story HERE and follow links to related stories/opinions below:

Former Marine Colonel Running As Conservative Write-In Against Roy Moore

New Candidate Announces For Alabama Senate Seat: Former Vice-Chief Of Staff To General John Kelly

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1 comment:

  1. Dear Alabama,

    Vote for Busby. Save your reputation. and America.

