Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Hey Hey, Ho Ho—DACA Has Got to Go

I have argued the illegal immigration discussion on many levels. I have outlined the attacks on our country’s sovereignty. I am sure that millions of you have read on this news site as well as other media organs how the DACA program is unconstitutional, and an extreme executive overreach. Hopefully, you read something that I wrote on this divisive issue three months ago: “I’m a DREAMER TOO!”
I am a dreamer. Yes, and I have a dream that the elected officials commissioned to enforce our immigration laws will stop being baited by the sob stories of young illegal aliens who were brought to this country by their law-breaking parents. Besides, there are many American dreamers whose dreams have been cut short by illegals, like Dominic Durden, Jamiel Shaw Jr., Ruben Morfin, Drew Rosenberg, among many others.
During the presidential campaign, Trump made it crystal clear that he cared about American dreamers—their dreams come first—I would add foremost and finally, not the rights of illegal aliens. “But what about the young illegals?” I have had this discussion back and forth with close friends as well as younger people on colleges, policy makers, and those who enforce our immigration laws. We are a nation of laws, and sovereignty and security go hand in hand. No more guilt-tripping, please. Nope. The only thing lacking is the political will to enforce our laws, which then presidential candidate Ted Cruz had announced during one of the final contentious debates before the make-or-break primaries ensued earlier in the year.
Read the rest from Arthur Schaper HERE.

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