Wednesday, September 6, 2017

DACA is Socialism, Not Compassion

Another word for DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) is amnesty. From a legal standpoint, it’s basically no different than if I successfully robbed a bank when I was 17-years old, and the government told me that’s okay now that I’m 25–and that I can probably keep the money.
If President Obama in 2012 had said the DOJ won’t prosecute bank robberies committed while the perpetrators were under 21, pending Congress making a law giving full amnesty to those who committed the crimes, there would have been massive outrage. The rule of law, civil society, etc., the arguments would have gone, has been consigned to the rubbish bin.
Then again, banks are federally insured. No individual person loses their money when a bank is robbed. And why should an 18-year old spend years in federal prison when that bank robbery money could be used for so many good things? It’s consumer spending.
Of course, nobody would buy those arguments, because they’re stupid. Amnesty for bank robbers would only spur more bank robberies.
DACA is no different. --->
Read the rest from Steve Bernan HERE.

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