Tuesday, September 5, 2017

AMNESTY WATCH: Trump Promised To END DACA, Not Push Congress To Make It Legal

MY TAKE FIRST: This is a BROKEN PROMISE. Trump promised TO END DACA. This wink and a nod to Congress does nothing more than allowing them to turn it into a bill.

Anyone who says this is a promise kept are either LIBERAL or Trump cultists who have their heads stuck so far up his ass, that they've lost the ability to see the reality of what is about to happen:
The word from Politico is that DACA is, at long last, headed for the shredder — eventually. Supposedly Trump’s going to announce his decision to terminate the program this week but with a six-month delay for implementation, to give Congress time to work out a bill legalizing DREAMers by statute. Obama’s attempt to do that via executive order has always been legally dubious, with Trump himself attacking it as unconstitutional on the trail last year. Doing it by statute is another matter.
Question, though: Has Congress *ever* responded to an artificial deadline by passing something in time instead of kicking the can? They respond to certain drop-dead deadlines, like raising the debt ceiling, if there’s no way to avoid it and if the consequences of inaction would be unusually dire. There is a way to avoid the deadline in this case, though: Democrats could simply … call Trump’s bluff. Wait six months, then dare him to cancel the program as he swore he’d do. Would he?
Trump has wrestled for months with whether to do away with the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, known as DACA. But conversations with Attorney General Jeff Sessions, who argued that Congress — rather than the executive branch — is responsible for writing immigration law, helped persuade the president to terminate the program and kick the issue to Congress, the two sources said.
In a nod to reservations held by many lawmakers, the White House plans to delay the enforcement of the president’s decision for six months, giving Congress a window to act, according to one White House official. But a senior White House aide said that chief of staff John Kelly, who has been running the West Wing policy process on the issue, “thinks Congress should’ve gotten its act together a lot longer ago.”
Clearly the six-month delay is Trump’s attempt to punt responsibility for this mess to Ryan and McConnell --->
Read the rest from Allahpundit HERE and follow links to related stories below:

Kris Kobach on DACA: ‘I Would End It Immediately’

Ben Shapiro: 6 Things You Need To Know About Trump's Decision To End Obama's Executive Amnesty ... Six Months From Now

Trump's DACA plan would pass hot potato to Congress

Let Dreamers Stay – If Their Parents Go

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  1. Slow down pardner. Trump ended new registrations in DACA as of today. It will take 6 months to phase it out.

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