Sunday, February 19, 2017

The Media-Trump Kabuki Theater Helps Both Sides

Question: Why are the media constantly frothing at the mouth, and why does Trump spend inordinate amounts of time bashing the media?
Answer: Because it benefits both sides.
On Thursday, CNN head Jeff Zucker spoke with reporters in New York, just about the time that President Trump was attacking CNN during his much-ballyhooed press conference, labeling them “very fake news.” Trump attacked CNN’s Jim Acosta, telling him that CNN’s ratings were low; Acosta responded that they weren’t bad. Zucker himself later responded, “They wear those insults as a badge of honor, because it means they are doing their jobs. I would say that morale is incredibly high…They are not being intimidated, they are not backing down, they know they have my full support and it is a very exciting time, frankly, to be a journalist at CNN.”
CNN head Jeff Zucker
Zucker is more than happy to engage in battle with the President of the United States. It makes CNN look like a fighting outlet, a glorious defender of journalism engaged in war with an overbearing narcissist with a penchant for untruth. Meanwhile, Trump uses CNN as his foil, understanding the hatred with which conservatives treat the network – he knows that no matter what he does, so long as he bashes Zucker and company about the skull with a rhetorical ball-peen hammer, many Republicans will cheer.
The result: nothing remotely approaching truth.
Read the rest from Ben Shapiro HERE.

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