Thursday, January 12, 2017

Urine Denial: A Golden Shower of Media Sleaze

I have to give Twitter credit for the title to this piece. Lots of people were tweeting it over the sordid allegations put forward by the media about Donald Trump and Russian blackmail.
There is some irony that the man who claimed Ted Cruz’s father killed JFK is now being subjected to this by the political press, but this ultimately amounts to a group of sore losers lashing out. The very political press, including BuzzFeed, that is pushing out unsubstantiated allegations by largely anonymous sources about Donald Trump would never do so about Barack Obama.
In fact, while Barack Obama was speaking last night the BuzzFeed News crowd was tweeting about crying over his speech on Twitter. Multiple “reporters” and “editors” at BuzzFeed publicly mourned Obama’s speech while gleefully running these stories about Donald Trump. Instead of being reporters, they’ve decided to be the resistance. And the resistance will hold themselves to no higher standard than they perceive Trump has held himself.
Read the rest from Erick Erickson HERE.

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1 comment:

  1. Donald the Golden Shower TrumpJanuary 13, 2017 at 5:03 PM

    So, BOSMAN, you went from reporting in September that Russia has 'kompromat' on Trump and this was 'obvious' given the sleaze of Trump. Here:

    But now you are outraged the rest of the media is also reporting on this kompromat and blackmail Trump could face?

    Why are Conservatives such hypocrites and liars????
