Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Trump aides divided over policy shielding 'dreamer' immigrants: sources

Trump needs to send a CLEAR MESSAGE to present and POTENTIAL ILLEGALS by rescinding Obama's DACA Policy. The longer he waits, the message to ILLEGALS and their kids is, we'll always find a way for you to stay .. WRONG MESSAGE TO SEND!
Divisions have emerged among advisers to President Donald Trump over whether to rescind a signature policy of his predecessor, President Barack Obama, that shields young immigrants from deportation, according to congressional sources and Republicans close to the White House.
Even though Trump campaigned on a promise to roll back Obama's executive orders on immigration, the Republican has so far left intact an order safeguarding 750,000 people who were brought to the United States illegally as children, known as the "dreamers."
The issue has become a flashpoint for White House advisers divided between a more moderate faction such as chief of staff Reince Priebus and immigration hardliners Stephen Miller and Steve Bannon, said a former congressional aide who has been involved with immigration issues in Washington.
Priebus has said publicly that Trump will work with Congress to get a "long-term solution" on the issue.
Meanwhile, Miller, said to have mastered the thinking of his former boss and anti-immigration advocate Jeff Sessions, Trump's nominee for U.S. Attorney General, as well as Bannon, former head of right-wing Breitbart News, have pushed Trump to take a harder approach and rescind the protections.
Time for Priebus to get with the program OR TAKE A HIKE!

Read the rest of the story HERE.

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