Monday, January 2, 2017

Here are 5 New Year's Resolutions that Leftists Should Live By in 2017

Like it or not, we do have to share the country with Democrats. Sure, there’s been talk of California seceding from the Union--and reading strange headlines like “California Democrats legalize child prostitution” you almost feel inclined to push them out. But the fact is, for all their preening over transgender bathrooms and gluten-free goodness, deep down, leftists know that Whole Foods can’t supplant aircraft carriers, and they need God-fearing men with scary guns to secure their freedoms.
So here a list of New Year’s Resolutions for our friends on the other side of the aisle – the self-proclaimed tolerant – to make them more… tolerable. Who knows, follow these, and you may yet win elections.
1. Tell Lena Dunham to go away.
Just one question: Which aspect of Lena Dunham’s persona did Hillary Clinton perceive as an asset to her campaign?
Was it the fact that she fabricated a story about being raped by a college Republican? Or perhaps how she described sexually abusing her own sister in the pages of her memoir? Maybe Hillary just wanted another multi-millionaire celebrity who revels in self-victimization to reach out to working-class Americans in the rust belt?
This was said after the election, but it's an actual, direct quote from Lena Dunham: "…I still haven’t had an abortion, but I wish I had."
Lena Dunham didn’t win Hillary a single voter (including Lena Dunham herself who hilariously didn’t vote) who wasn’t already a lifelong Democrat. Her blunt moral delinquency was a bigger liability to the Clinton campaign than pneumonia.
Juxtapose these two headlines from CNN:
October 29, 2016: Lena Dunham to campaign for Hillary Clinton in North Carolina
November 9, 2016: How Trump Won
Read the rest of this op-ed HERE.

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