Thursday, November 17, 2016

Why We Have an Electoral College

Trump’s popular-vote loss doesn’t make his election any less legitimate.
I’m in my mid-20s, and my circle of friends has suffered a nervous breakdown this week. Besides Donald Trump and his voters, a lot of sturm and drang have been directed at Russia and WikiLeaks, Jill Stein, protest voters, white women, men in general — and the Electoral College, which will elevate Trump to the White House despite his losing the popular vote. Petitions are being signed, marches are being held. You can’t help but chuckle at how many Democrats have touted their electoral “blue wall” over the last four years.
The point of the Electoral College is simple: to restrict the power of the majority. There’s a tendency to forget that majority rule is only half of a free country — the other half is the protection of the rights of the minority, of the dissenters. This is why our federal government has two legislative houses instead of one. The House of Representatives is filled on the majority-rule principle, with greater power given to larger states; the Senate, on the minority-protection principle, with equal power given to each state no matter its size.
The same balance underlies the Electoral College. Every state gets one electoral vote for each of its congressional representatives. This means that the larger states have more say in electing a president, but no state has no say — each, no matter how sparsely populated, gets at least three votes, one for the minimum congressman-at-large and one for each senator.
Read the rest of this op-ed HERE.

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