Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Ben Shapiro Slams GOP ‘sellouts’ Who Call Donald Trump Conservative

One of Donald Trump’s harshest critics, conservative pundit Ben Shapiro, said Saturday that he may vote for the presumptive Republican presidential nominee — but that doesn’t make Mr. Trump a conservative.
In fact, Mr. Shapiro has an acronym for conservatives who insist that Mr. Trump shares their values: SellOuts For Trump (SOFT).
“You can hold your nose and vote Trump. I get it. I might do the same thing,” said Mr. Shapiro, editor of DailyWire.com. “But do not justify perversions of your ideology, perversions of your principles — don’t justify the perversion of your principles in order to justify your support for him.”
“You want to hold your nose and vote Trump, go ahead and do it,” he said. “You want to destroy conservatism in order to do it, please don’t.”
Mr. Shapiro’s comments — including his description of the billionaire, real-estate mogul as a “garbage heap” — elicited cheers and boos from the audience at the Western Conservative Summit, where attendees and speakers wrestled with mixed feelings about the Trump campaign.
Read the rest of the story HERE and listen to Shapiro's speech below:

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1 comment:

  1. Conservatism is now just Nationalism's little brother.
