Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Trump’s Commander-in-Chief Test

The general election has arrived, and the tone will not be more elevated than in the primaries. Hillary Clinton opened a coruscating attack on Donald Trump’s foreign-policy credibility on Thursday, and despite her own weak record, the Republican will need a better response than he’s mustered.
Mrs. Clinton has identified Mr. Trump’s greatest liability, which is the Commander-in-Chief test. Americans expect their Presidents to possess some knowledge about the world and the coolness and intellectual gravity to manage its problems, or try to. Mrs. Clinton will argue through November that Mr. Trump fails to meet these minimum standards.
The Democrat said Mr. Trump was “temperamentally unfit to hold an office that requires knowledge, stability and immense responsibility”; his ideas are “dangerously incoherent”; and all but described a Trump Presidency as an extinction-level event. Her attack scored some points because Mrs. Clinton merely had to quote Mr. Trump’s own words.
The businessman really did suggest that Saudi Arabia and South Korea should be allowed to obtain nuclear weapons: “If they do, they do. Good luck, enjoy yourself, folks.” He has often seemed to sympathize with or praised dictators like Vladimir Putin, he did say that “maybe Syria should be a free zone for ISIS,” and he did claim to be his own best foreign-policy adviser because “I have a very good brain.”
Read the rest of this WSJ editorial HERE.

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  1. Hi Bosman, hope you're well.

    Who's going to stop this train wreck? It's not too late. Why oh why did all those elected leaders fall in behind him, without getting anything in return? Fools!

    The delegates need to break the emergency glass, and change the rules.

    Trump is never going to change, and I don't know why anyone is foolish enough to believe he will, or even can.

    He's a dope. Been one since day one. Every person who endorsed him is going down with the ship. I feel bad for Paul Ryan.

    I never thought I'd see the day that Hillary looked passable. Trump is just that bad.

    Mitt Romney is the only person who can run as an indie and have the slightest prayer.


  2. Ditto to Martha's Words.
