Sunday, February 28, 2016

Ted Cruz, A Personal Look At A Humble Man

The 2016 Republican Presidential Primary has effectively dwindled down to a three man race filled with all kinds of noise that can make it difficult for the American people to know who they can trust.
Having had the opportunity to meet most of the Republican candidates and look them in the eyes, I can tell you that Ted Cruz is the best candidate to uphold the Constitution and put the interests of the American people first.
I first met Ted in 2010 at an American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) conference, which is a conference for state legislators that was being held in Washington, DC. He was there to speak on a panel about the Health Care Compact, a project of interstate compacts that would effectively transfer the regulatory authority for health care from the federal government back to the states. My boss at the time was also speaking on the panel, which led to our meeting.
Ted Cruz chats with his mother Eleanor.
After the panel discussion, a group of us decided to eat breakfast in the hotel lobby. Ted and I ended up sitting down at the table first. We shared a five-minute conversation before the rest of our group joined us and in that time we spoke casually, introducing ourselves and talking about why we were there. This was my first impression of him and he was extremely humble and somewhat soft spoken. It is something that has stuck over the years.
Ted Cruz and his daughters share a quiet moment 
 before a debate
During our chat, he told me he planned on running for the U.S. Senate seat representing the state of Texas. In all honesty, I thought to myself that there’s no way someone this humble and unassuming could ever be a Senator from Texas of all places. But, sure enough he announced his candidacy and fought a huge uphill battle against the political establishment of the state that claimed the most recent former President of the United States. It was a tough fight, but he won when no one thought he could. This proved to me that he was a winner.
Read the rest of Kevin Mooneyhan's op-ed HERE.

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