Friday, February 5, 2016

Revelations From The Iowa Caucus Results

Photo: AP
Election ’16: The Iowa caucuses delivered a surprise Republican winner and a scandal in the Democrats’ contest. Quick: Guess which party offers old, white presidential candidates with failed ideas from the past?
The American people have spent months reading about the scandal of a secretary of state so protective of her own activities — and her political future — that she set up her own personal computer server in her New York home, allowing it to receive secret government communications at the highest level, in almost certain violation of the law.
Making classified information vulnerable to Russian and Chinese hacking placed American personnel at risk, and doing so has obstructed what was supposed to be a smooth ascent to the presidency for Hillary Clinton.
But what happens when the former first lady faces her first encounter with the ballot box? Mysterious irregularities with the scent of scandal emerge there, too.
Who ever heard of flipping a coin to decide who wins a party presidential delegate, and yet in at least six too-close-to-call Iowa precincts this is what took place, with Clinton improbably winning over Bernie Sanders on each of all six coin tosses (there’s about a 1.5% chance of that happening).
She beat the independent senior citizen junior senator from Vermont on number-of-delegates-awarded by the razor-thin margin of less than half a percent, but Sanders is demanding release of the raw vote count. Some of the precincts were so understaffed they could not report all delegate totals.
Read the rest of this IBD editorial HERE.

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