Monday, December 7, 2015

Donald Schwarzentrump: We've Seen This Campaign Before

Although there is a sense that Donald Trump's unusual and outlandish run for the presidency is the first ever of its kind, this is not entirely true.
Californians, such as myself, remember how Arnold Schwarzenegger captured the governorship of California in 2003, in a campaign remarkably similar to Trump's. Obviously, governor of California is not the same as president of the United States, but it is the chief executive of the nation's most populous state.
That year, incumbent Gov. Gray Davis, a Democrat, was pulled from office in a recall election. It was a time of disillusionment and cynicism toward the governor and government, amidst a poor economy and rising energy prices.
Schwarzenegger had long held political aspirations. He was a wealthy man from his career as a bodybuilding celebrity, film star and businessman. He saw this as his opportunity and ran for the Republican nomination.
He fell back on his movie persona as "The Terminator" to pitch voters that, despite no political experience, he could go to Sacramento and kick "butts" and get the government in order.
"I know how to sell something," the political novice justified his candidacy. "What the people want to hear is ... are you tough enough to go in there and provide leadership? That's what this is about, and I will be tough enough."
Sound familiar?
Read the rest of this Star Parker op-ed HERE.

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