Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Trump Endlessly Breaks Reagan Rule Not To Insult Republicans

Election '16: They called it Ronald Reagan's "11th Commandment": "Thou shalt not speak ill of thy fellow Republican." Donald Trump endlessly violates it, when he should be attacking Hillary Clinton and liberalism.
From his first campaign for governor, two years after Nelson Rockefeller's sour grapes speech to the 1964 GOP convention decrying "the extremist threat" of nominee Barry Goldwater, Reagan refused to follow New York's governor and hurt his own party by attacking fellow Republicans.
Trump, by contrast, is a serial violator of this famous rule, never more so than in a 95-minute tirade Thursday in Fort Dodge, Iowa, where he asked, "How stupid are the people of Iowa?" to believe Iowa front-runner Ben Carson's reminiscences of his violent youth.
Trump has made nice money insulting reality show contestants. Why isn't he doing what he does so well against liberal Democrats such as Hillary Clinton and their failed ideology? Fellow GOP candidates Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio have risen in the polls lately because of their principled attacks on the left, not the right.
Read the rest of this IBD editorial HERE.

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  1. Reagan just used that as a tactic to help him win. I'm sure he would have criticized anyone to get elected. In any case, this is a new era. We all know about Romney and Ron Paul carpet bombing other Republican candidates in 2012/12.

  2. As does Cruz. Both Trump and Cruz are insults to our collective intelligence.
