Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Paul Ryan Rules Out Advancing Comprehensive Immigration Legislation Until 2017

This would also keep the Senate (O'Connell) from screwing anything up until there's a new President:
Rep. Paul Ryan, just days into his tenure as House speaker, has ruled out for now prospects for sweeping changes in U.S. immigration laws, making good on promises he made to conservatives while running for his new job.
Hey Mitch: If Ryan won't move on it, 
Mr. Ryan, by declaring Sunday that he would oppose advancing comprehensive immigration legislation until after next year’s presidential elections, put to rest an issue that had been a chief concern of the most conservative Republicans in Congress.
“We won’t bring immigration legislation with a president we cannot trust on this issue,” Mr. Ryan, a Wisconsin Republican, said on ABC, a message he delivered in other Sunday interviews. He added that more limited legislation, “like border enforcement and interior security,” remains possible.
Mr. Ryan’s decision came as he balances his pledge to take on difficult issues with the political reality of rebellious lawmakers who are suspicious of his positions, especially on immigration policy. Some conservatives were reluctant to vote for Mr. Ryan for speaker last week because he has supported a pathway to citizenship for those in the U.S. illegally.
Read the rest of the story HERE and view the ABC Ryan interview below:

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