Thursday, November 5, 2015

Obama's Anti-Discipline Policy Backfires On Liberal School Districts

Education: Milwaukee, St. Paul and other pro-Obama cities admit they've gone too soft on misbehaving students and have lost control of classrooms. Now they're rethinking the president's national anti-discipline strategy.
St. Paul, Minn., public schools are dealing with escalating classroom chaos after adopting minority-friendly discipline policies that the Obama Education Department pushed to close so-called "racial disparities" in suspensions and expulsions.
High-school kids are bringing loaded guns to class now to protect themselves from gang fights breaking out on a daily basis because teachers can no longer kick bad kids out of school.
Major Brawls at 2 St. Paul High Schools in Past 2 Weeks
Last week, six fights broke out at Como High School, and a student had to be tasered at St. Paul Central High School. Meanwhile, at Harding High School, a 16-year-old boy was caught with a loaded .22-caliber handgun in his backpack.
Since the Obama regime threatened to withhold federal funding for districts that fail to reduce racial gaps in discipline, St. Paul has tried to keep students in schools rather than send them home for disciplinary issues. Suspensions are down, but infractions are exploding.
"There's no consequences," complained a veteran St. Paul high school teacher. "We are teaching our kids it's OK to disrupt the learning environment, and all they'll get is a slap on the hand."
A district spokesman says that officials are re-examining disciplinary and security procedures after last week's mayhem. The local teachers union is backing a slate of new board members to protest the district's disciplinary policies.
Meanwhile, Milwaukee and Madison, Wis., public schools are standing by helplessly as violent kids assault teachers because it's now a no-no to suspend them there too. "Teachers have been repeatedly hit, bitten and kicked by students," the local newspaper reported.
Read the rest of this IBD editorial HERE.

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1 comment:

  1. This is when these school districts lose the most promising students and best teachers. Any parent that could avoid sending their child to a possible death sentence on a daily basis will find an alternative method. This is the New World Order the Libs are trying to shove down our throats. I, for one, fight back harder.
