Monday, October 5, 2015

The Left: The Nice Guys of Politics

Recently, while reading some of the hateful coverage of Carly Fiorina, something occurred to me: The left are the nice guys in politics. 

I'm not saying that they're nice, I'm saying that they're "nice guys". 

For those unfamiliar with the term, basically there is a type of guy who will insist that "girls only date douchebags" and proclaim "but I'm a nice guy!" whenever they are rejected by a girl. 

Of course, to a "nice guy", being nice means being walked over - they are the kind of guys who put women on pedestals and will do anything short of setting themselves on fire to keep a girl warm. And the "douchebags" whom they claim women always fall for, are usually just men who have an ounce of self-respect. 

More importantly though, nice guys aren't really nice, which is why we make fun of them instead of pitying them. Nice guys have a very "transactional" view of how a relationship should work: A girl to them is a vending machine into which you insert friendship coins, and then sex falls out. Their kindness is just an act to get what they want, but it's such a convincing act that they often convince themselves that they are nice guys as opposed to creeps. 

How do you tell a "nice guy" from a real, friendly guy? Look at how they act towards women they have either no interest or absolutely no chance of sleeping with. The same guy who claims that girls only date douchebags will happily act like a douchebag towards any girl he doesn't deem worthy of penetrating, and complain about not getting the sex he feels he is owed from the women he is nice to. A genuinely good guy doesn't act like that.

Which is exactly how the left treats women and minorities politically. They pretend to love them, but the second a woman is "out of reach", they turn on her viciously. And just look at how the left treats black conservatives - is there a single black conservative who hasn't been called an Uncle Tom a dozen times a day for as long as they've been a public figure? Is there any conservative woman who hasn't been called a gender traitor and a lot of other terms not suitable for a family-friendly website?

Just like "nice guys" believe themselves to be owed sex, the left believes itself to be owed votes and support. They're not nice to women & minorities because they are nice people, but because they have something to gain from it. Just like "nice guys" don't view a relationship as a complicated thing that involves personal chemistry and stuff like that, the left fails to see that political allegiance is more complicated than "We give you free stuff, so you should vote for us". They insert welfare coins, and are frustrated whenever votes don't fall out - don't you just hate it when vending machines malfunction? 

A woman who proclaims herself to be a conservative is like a girl who is dating a "douchebag" - not worthy of even the most basic respect, in the eyes of the nice guy. If you wanna know which leftists actually care about women's rights, listen to how they talk about "unreachable" women - Sarah Palin, Carly Fiorina, Megyn Kelly - women whom they know are never going to come around and vote Democrat. Yes, there will be a few honorable exceptions who stand up for these women when they are targeted by sexist attacks, but the vast majority won't. And the same of course goes for black and latino conservatives.

Another thing the left has in common with nice guys is "white knighting" - trying to save your object of attraction for the purpose of making yourself look good, and even in situations when they clearly don't need any saving and you wouldn't have intervened if it had happened to anyone else. One example would be guys who will aggressively pick a fight with any guy who is hitting on the girl they are interested in, to "protect" her from being harassed. They are unable to comprehend that 1) she may like that guy and 2) if not, she's perfectly capable of turning him away on her own. Women, to them, are fragile beings who need to be protected, whether they ask for it and understand it or not.

The left approaches issues very similarly, trying to protect minorities from the mean, scary world where people get hired based on competence rather than affirmative action quotas. This includes several cases where the minorities in question haven't asked for any protection, the best example of which is cultural appropriation. Literally the only people who care about cultural appropriation are antropology/sociology professors and their students, who often find themselves working for some left-winged magazine where they can promote these views. Seriously, do you think afro-americans spend even a second of their day, worrying about whether or not I, a white guy, eat fried chicken or listen to hiphop? Do you think mexican americans get mad if I drink tequila? Personally, as a conservative, I picture the average black/latino as being very similar to the average white person, which means they worry about their mortgage, their children's health, their own health, and their insurance, and not about what anyone else is having for lunch.

If you were to ask a thousand people who belonged to ethnic or cultural minorities what their top 10 worries in life were, I doubt more than one of them would list "cultural appropriation" as one of their concerns. They literally don't care, no matter how much the left is trying to convince them they should care. The only people who care about cultural appropriation are people like anthropology professors who's job it is to come up with more ways to divide society and drive wedges between groups. They don't care that minorities don't care; they're going to "protect" them whether they want it or not.

And of course, this infantilising attitude towards minorities is only pushing us further away from an equal society. If I believe that my mexican neighbor is spying on me every night making sure I'm not eating tortillas, then I'm less likely to treat him as my equal, be friends with him or hire him if he needs a job. If on the other hand I, like conservatives, believe that he is pretty much like me except for a different accent, and that he's just as capable and intelligent as any other person (and should therefore be expected to take as much responsibility for his actions as any other person), then I'm so much more likely to befriend him or offer him a job. 

This infantilising attitude is also why so many women don't fall for nice guys, or fall for the left. Strong women like Carly Fiorina don't want a babysitter protecting them, they're looking for a guy - or political movement - that truly views them as equal with equal rights AND responsibilities.

Of course, there are women who do fall for nice guys, and in fact many women take advantage of nice guys by asking for the moon, knowing they'll get it as long as they do their job on the mattress later. Sometimes, these relationships turn outright abusive (men can get domestically abused too, after all). Just like there are individuals within the minorities who are happy to be herded like cattle to the voting booths & political rallies in exchange for food stamps and government child support. They know it's a transaction, and they don't care. And just like with romantic relationships, the situation can turn outright abusive: The best example is the left's continued support for the rights of radical islamists, even though those islamists would literally kill the leftists if given the chance. In fact, that's exactly what happened in Iran after the 1979 revolution: Leftists and islamists fought together, cheered on by the global left, and after the revolution the islamists killed the leftists.

Hopefully it won't end that badly in Europe or America. But the way things are going, you never know. Thanks for reading.

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