Friday, October 2, 2015

Ted Cruz on the Mark Levin Show (Full interview 10-01-15)

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1 comment:

  1. If we the people are serious about saving America, there are some things that MUST be changed.
    First off, we must demand an end of the lobby. Most of these people are ex career politicians stealing our money from a different pocket.
    Secondly, We must put an end to the "good old boy's club" we jokingly refer to as our Congress. Congress was never intended to be anyone's career.
    Thirdly, we must end the hold the legal profession has on government. 70% of the Senate are lawyers and over 35%of the House are as well. This presents the problem of one profession having an edge over all others. The legal profession is over represented in government. This is the reason we are given 2000+ page bills that no one can understand. This is why a hammer costs $250.00. It isn't that the hammer costs that much, but when you include riders in these bills that fund make believe projects in order to siphon off the lawmaker's share of the pot, we the people are billed for the difference.
    Forth, We must demand that America's borders are closed and secure, and begin to deport the people who've declared that they will not abide by the rules and laws of a civilized society, .ie gangbangers, career criminals, etc. etc. We must also rid America of anyone who wishes to "fundamentally transform" her. I agree with what Putin had to say about migrants. If they wish to legally come to this country with the idea of becoming (Russians)- (Americans), then I welcome them regardless of where they come from. If the motive is to change Russia- America into something else, then I bid them fair-well. They need us, we don't need them.
    Fifth, we the people MUST demand that all Congressional business, (with the exception of national security/Military matters), be broadcast on C-Span daily, and repeated at least twice. No more backroom deals, no more pushing their agenda. We must demand that they put the American people first, in all matters of State.

    None of what I said above will happen unless we the people get off of our butts, get informed about what a candidate does, and not just what they say. America is in distress, and if we the people don't demand that our government fix her, then she will perish. We the people owe it to those who gave their all so that we may remain freemen. We owe it to our children and grandchildren to leave them an America that is the hope of the world. The guiding light to all people who yearn to be free.
