Saturday, September 26, 2015

Trump Threatens Lawsuit to Conservative Group for Exposing his NOT SO CONSERVATIVE Record

Real-estate tycoon Donald Trump accused the conservative Club for Growth group of "libel" in a letter that a Trump aide sent to reporters on Tuesday.
The Club for Growth announced last week that it was investing more than $1 million behind two attack ads against Trump, one of which accuses the Republican front-runner of wanting to hike taxes.
Club For Growth Ad: 'Politician'
But Trump insists he only supported a one-time tax increase on the super wealthy 15 years ago and does not hold that belief anymore.
In response to the threat, the Club for Growth issued its own press release titled "Club for Growth Action Responds to Trump’s Whining."
Club For Growth Ad: '100%'
"Tough guy Donald Trump starts whining when his liberal record is revealed," McIntosh said. "Trump has advocated higher taxes numerous times over many years, just like he’s advocated for universal health care, the Wall Street bailout, and expanded government powers to take private property. Trump’s own statements prove that our ads are accurate. They will continue to run. We suggest that Donald grow up, stop whining, and try to defend his liberal record."
Read the full article HERE. You can visit Club for Growth HERE.

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1 comment:

  1. Oh yeah, the Club for Growth, the people who have been helping to gut American industry. I certainly hope gutting the country isn't a conservative virtue. Regardless, CG is employing an extortion method, either give them "voluntary" contributions or they go after the target, same as Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson. CG is mad because Trump doesn't believe in destroying Anerican industry and wouldn't give them money.

    Just another in a long list of reasons I support Trump.
