Thursday, September 24, 2015

TED CRUZ: Wrap Iran Deal Into Funding Fight

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) says the Senate should use its short-term spending bill to force President Obama to hand over the "side deals" between Iran and international inspectors.
"I believe what Congress should do is a pass a continuing resolution that funds the government, but that provides two conditions," he told reporters on Tuesday. "Number one, it does not give taxpayer funds to a private organization — Planned Parenthood — that is under multiple criminal investigations. Number two, it uses the power of the purse to force this administration to hand over the Iranian side deals."
The Texas Republican, who is running for president, has repeatedly pushed for the Obama administration to hand over the text of the side deals with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). Cruz, and a growing number of House Republicans, argue that the 60-day congressional review period of the nuclear deal should not have started because the side agreements weren't given to Congress.
The administration says it has been briefed on the side deals but does not possess the documents. It argues that the deals are “technical arrangements” that the IAEA reaches with every country it inspects.
Cruz's remarks come after Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) teed up a procedural vote on a short-term spending bill that would redirect federal funding for Planned Parenthood to other community health centers.
He has circulated a letter trying to shore up support among his colleagues for requiring that a spending bill also defund Planned Parenthood. Asked if his colleagues had signed onto the letter, the Texas Republican replied that his "focus is on urging leadership to actually lead."
Republicans are expected to fall short of the 60 votes needed to move forward with the funding bill. That could pave the way for a "clean" short-term bill that funds Planned Parenthood, something that Cruz would oppose.
Read the rest of the story HERE.

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