Sunday, September 6, 2015

Let's Put To Rest Trump's Phony Comparing of Himself To Reagan

I don't know about you, but I'm Tired of hearing Donald Trump (and his Groupies) comparing himself to Reagan. Here's an Example of Trump comparing his Switch to the Republican Party:

“If you look at Ronald Reagan, and he was a Democrat, he was actually, Don, he was a Democrat with a very liberal, or at least a pretty liberal bent, and he became a Republican with a somewhat conservative — I wouldn’t say very, but he was a conservative Republican,” Trump said.

... yada yada yada ...

LINK: Donald Trump Donated Heavily To Democrats, 
Especially During Election Which Put Reid And Pelosi 
In Power
What Trump and his supporters LEAVE OUT, is that When Reagan became a Republican in 1964, HE STAYED A REPUBLICAN. Never switched back, UNLIKE TRUMP. Who changed political parties at least five times and has TWICE DUMPED THE GOP

As to Reagan's HISTORY of being a Conservative Republican, Reagan was the Governor of California for 18 YEARS (67-75) before being elected President in 1981. So he had SEVERAL YEARS UNDER HIS BELT as a PRACTICING Republican and a RECORD for VOTERS TO LOOK AT and base their votes on.

UNLIKE TRUMP who has NO POLITICAL RECORD other than HIS PARTY SWITCHING, POLITICAL VIEWS and ENDORSEMENTS over the years. NONE of which would earn him a single vote from any true Conservative or Republican.

So enough already Donald (and DONALDETTES) with comparing yourself with Reagan.

WE knew Ronald Reagan and YOU are no Reagan!

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  1. This article is very thin gruel. Supposedly, based on the headline, Trump is comparing himself to Reagan non stop. I've seen this article a few times and never remembered hearing Trump do this. Okay so he did mention that Reagan was a Democrat who switched to Republican. Trump has basically gone back and forth with Rs and Ds in his lifetime, which is not very consequential since he hasn't run for anything.

    Trump is a businessman. He knows, as my grandfather used to say, that there isn't a dimes worth of difference between a lot of these politicians. Most are bought and paid for lackeys as Trump has tried to explain to people. Reagan had his day as a conservative, and now it's time for Trump with his new nationalism to save America. Sorry but the same wonky conservatism isn't going to get the job done. We would just continue to deteriorate as a nation

  2. Hilarious that cimbri pouts about "gruel" when he means "cruel." Mostly hilarious that he can't grasp the important point that Trump does not have a leg to stand on.

    Megyn Kelly hit the nail on the head: Trump's party affiliation is bogus.

    "When exactly did you become a Republican?"

    That is not a difficult question. Trump is just a crooked fascist, easily exposed.

  3. Tried to explain? Are you joking? Trump is the narcissist that brags about buying politicians HIMSELF. Trump had his Rick Perry moment in the Fox debate patting himself on his own back for his graft and corruption.

  4. Conservatives got the job done taking the majority in the Senate and House, 70% of legislative chambers and 70% of governorships across the country.

    Thy words betray you, cimbri. AGAIN the Leftists are the ruthless, immoral Trump supporters. Note that cimbri there made derogatory remarks like "wonky" when referring to the conservative base of the Republican Party.

    So Democrats and all Americans can see the truth here: Trump's Leftists supporters are sexist and racist; it is the Leftists and Democrat Trump supporters who are rotten. They will vote for a Clinton no matter what crimes they commit, and for a Trump no matter what he does.

  5. Great article Bos, short and to the point.

    I've heard Trump compare himself to Reagan every time someone brings up his past.

    Trump's a phony, RINO, and can't be trusted.

    CRUZ 16!

  6. Yeah, I know, everyone's a narcissist. If we took that word and 'fascist' away from some people, they would have few insults to work with. But once again, as you can see here, most of the Trump criticism is based on generic insults.

    To anonymous, if you ever read a book from the 1800s, you would know the gruel saying.

  7. Trump is a phony conservative. I have already posted multiple articles here stating that the idea that somehow this candidate represents our former president in any way is ridiculous, including an article written by his own son calling him out on his hypocrisy and asking that he 'stop using my fathers name while trashing everything he believed in."

  8. cimbri is correct.

  9. Whatever Joel, I've seen plenty of Trump's speeches. Never heard him mention Reagan except to praise his leadership. Trump was a supporter of Reagan's, which wasn't mentioned in this silly article. Bias.

  10. cimbri is correct again

  11. "Never heard him mention Reagan except to praise his leadership" Now that is laughable.

    Plenty of stories citing Trump comparing himself to Reagan. A simple google search will give you enough examples to read for a week:

    Trump Reagan Semocrat

  12. Trump's new nationalism? What in the world does that mean? I'll tell you exactly what it means, absolutely nothing. His words are meaningless, designed to do one thing and one thing only, deceive the electorate. This candidate preys on the anger and fear of others, nothing more. His entire candidacy is based on misdirection and misrepresentation. The guy is a phony who has only one thing going for him, his knowledge of how to effectively market his brand. Were it not for his celebrity and obnoxious behavior he would be going nowhere fast. That is the reality.

  13. Trump should be comparing himself to Obama instead of Reagan..Anybody that would give money to Hillary Clinton and Nancy Pelosi will never get my vote...I furthermore would never hire a CEO that has bankrupt his own company five times and sold it out to the banks to run due to he is not a good businessman...Give me $400M inheritance and I could do better...Trump is a thinskinned narcissist manchild that is full of hyperbole and belittling....If given the opportunity he will bankrupt this country and sale us out to the highest bidder and then claim he saved the day...Sound familiar.

  14. Anonymous,
    Trump inherited $40 million in real estate and increased it a 100 times over, the hard way. He didn't just own a stock portfolio and it increased while he did nothing.

    I don't care if you vote or not. My guess is you're too dumb to make an informed choice and you're probably not from a swing state anyway, even though if Trump wins nomination, there will be a lot more states in play.
