Sunday, August 2, 2015

Team Obama: Constitution's Treaty Clause Is Dead

Constitution: Asked the right question, a suspect will often incriminate himself. Asked why the Iran deal isn't a treaty, Secretary of State John Kerry basically answered it's because we've killed the Constitution.
It's been quipped that the "Living Constitution" liberals believe in so deeply means that the real Constitution is dead. Its words as written can be twisted by judges, and the non-existent — such as rights to abortion and same-sex marriage — can be found written between its lines by the Supreme Court.
But Secretary Kerry, testifying before the House Foreign Affairs Committee on Tuesday, pumped another bullet into the legal foundation of the American system of government ratified by We the People nearly 227 years ago.
Asked by Rep. Reid Ribble, R-Wis., "Why is this not considered a treaty?" — which would mean 67 senators would have to agree before the Iran deal would take effect — former Sen. Kerry's startling and telling reply was:
"Well, congressman, I spent quite a few years trying to get a lot of treaties through the United States Senate, and frankly it's become physically impossible. That's why. Because you can't pass a treaty anymore. And it's become impossible to, you know, schedule. It's become impossible to pass."
Kerry recalled how "I sat there leading the charge on the Disabilities Treaty which fell to, basically, ideology and politics." That treaty was blocked in the Senate last year.
The treaty clause of the U.S. Constitution, Article II, Section 2, Clause 2, is very clear: The president "shall have Power, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, to make Treaties, provided two-thirds of the Senators present concur."
But according to Kerry, the Senate isn't passing treaties anymore, so we can just forget that pesky little section of our underlying legal document. Let's parse Kerry's words:
Read the rest of the story HERE.

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1 comment:

  1. Another example of how these Democrats do not understand their oath of office.Preserve, protect and defend the United States Constitution - so help me God. They haven't followed US laws, the Constitution, or the will of the people since obama took office. I cannot capitalize the names of people who I do not respect. Why wasn't this "deal" run through Congress first? It's like a kid coming in and saying, dad, I decided to get your new car painted orange, I didn't think the silver was good for the family. That is ridiculous. There are two issues that Congress absolutely would not have approved (which of course is why kerry and beethoven bypassed them) 1. Demand release of our prisoners/hostages in their nasty prisons, 2. No money, no way. What so they can use it to do sneaky backroom actions? And the thing that frosts the cake, why does kerry and beethoven and those copycats from the other countries who were simply following the leader TRUST THE IRANIANS to keep their word, their treaty? Oh come on. I am so tired of having people like kerry, clinton, beethoven, holder, lynch, koskinen, boehner, mcconnell and obama making our country look like a bunch of total idiots in the eyes of the rest of the world. We are a laughing stock. This administration got where they are from VOTER FRAUD. Sixteen states do not have ANY Voter ID requirements. obama was a community organizer extraordinaire, now you figure it out. Who do they think they are kidding? Other dems? Maybe. They may very well be that stupid since the voted for them too. As for boehner & mcconnell - they should be impeached and kicked out of their seats. They don't serve the people, they serve special interests, as does kerry with the iranian son-in-law. I'd suggest the botox has crept into his brain, but there was no brain there in the first place. DEMAND THE RELEASE OF THE HOSTAGES, AND DO NOT GIVE THOSE TERRORISTS ONE AMERICAN CENT. Good Lord we will be glad to get them out of the White House.
