Friday, August 21, 2015

Op-ed: Nothing to See Here Folks

Nothing to See Here Folks
By: Diane Sori / The Patriot Factor / Right Side Patriots on

“Nothing to see here.”
- The Obama administration describing as “routine” the 'secret, separate, side agreement' the IAEA made with Iran

It has now come to light that as part of the 'very bad deal' Obama agreed to with know the country that routinely calls for “Death to America” and “Death to Israel”...well now thanks to a recent AP report we know that Iran did indeed make a 'secret, separate, side agreement' with the IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency) agency who comes under the auspices of the U.N....that allows them to conduct their own inspections with their own experts and their own equipment on their own infamous Parchin military site...a site that has been used in the past (if it's NOT still being used) in their quest to develop nuclear weapons.

And again thanks to this AP report we know that according to them the U.S. and Obama well as the other P5+1 members...were NOT party to this agreement per se but were instead briefed on it by the IAEA and endorsed it as part of the larger package. But, and this is critical, they tried to keep that fact hidden just to get this 'very bad deal' signed, sealed, and delivered.

And House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy stated that, “This side agreement shows that true verification is a sham, and it begs the question of what else the administration is keeping from Congress,” as well as his recently saying that the AP report leaves out one key point and that is that Congress did NOT find out about this 'secret, separate, side agreement' until reading it in the AP in they were NOT briefed by the IAEA nor were they briefed by the Obama administration...period.

And what of Parchin itself...well...Parchin is a must be inspected site because it's a known fact that Iran has previously experimented with high-explosive detonators for nuclear arms there, and it's a site that based upon satellite images shows possible attempts to 'sanitize' the site before any inspectors could have access to it. And this most critical of all sites that the IAEA was supposed to inspect now has the IAEA ceded their investigative authority over to Iran...and Obama is oh so comfortable with this arrangement.

Of course he is.

So now in place we have a 'secret, separate, side agreement' being made that proves what both American and Israeli opponents of this 'very bad deal' have said since day one and that is that the main premise of this deal...a premise put forth by none other than Barack HUSSEIN Obama himself...was that we are supposed to trust the NOT to be trusted Iranians to honor the deal, but how can you trust any nation that will NOT allow independent inspections, especially when independent inspections were touted as being what sealed the deal for the P5+1. Simply you cannot...for the deal they agreed to is NOT the deal they are now getting...the fact is it's far worse than anyone ever expected.

Barred from visiting the Parchin site...the ramifications of this are indeed mind-boggling for it goes deeper than the IAEA...who normally carries out such inspections...agreeing to be barred from actually setting foot on this complex...for the IAEA has now acquiesced to Iran's stipulation that they will NOT be given any photo or video information from Parchin or from any other sites that Iran deems off-limits because they have 'military significance' or so they claim. And as the 'devil is in the details' how's this...because they are barred from Parchin, IAEA experts who themselves normally would be the ones taking environmental samples for evidence of any weapons development will now only be afforded whatever samples the Iranian technicians give them. And the sampling itself is being held to only seven samples inside the actual facility with a few additional samples outside of the Parchin site in areas to be determined by the Iranians.

Nice about selling out to the enemy.

The Iranians have pulled the proverbial wool over the P5+1's eyes, but then again the P5+1 were NEVER really dedicated to stopping Iran from becoming a nuclear power to begin with. And Obama is sitting back with that nasty smirk of his telling Iran job well done as he gives the U.N...the U(seless) N(ations)...a thumbs up for helping him pull this all off for know that Obama knew from day one about this 'secret, separate, side agreement' and do NOT for a moment think he did NOT as it was probably laid out back in 2011 at the secret meeting with the Iranians in Bahrain that he sent Valerie Jarrett to.

So now we are left with a deal that appears on the surface has Iran being put on the 'honor system' to to their choosing to abide or NOT abide by what this now exposed NO longer 'secret, separate, side agreement' stipulates. And make NO mistake this side agreement has overridden any and all stipulations agreed to in the original 'very bad deal'...which is totally and completely foolhardy for remember that buried deep within the actual deal itself are annexes and appendixes that were NEVER supposed to go public...words for example that give Iran the ability to contest so-called "snap" inspections, setting off an appeals process of up to 24 days...meaning Iran gets a 24-day notice before the U.N. is allowed any sort of inspections at any of their facilities, military or otherwise. And that translates into giving Iran more than enough time to hide or move anything they do NOT want prying eyes to see thereby turning any chance of enforcing any provisions of this 'very bad NOTHING but a farce deal' into a pipe dream.

And remember whose side the U.N. is actually on as they allowed the IAEA to run solo on this, and remember too that it was the U.N. who approved key parts of this 'very bad deal' mere days after the deal was reached and before Congress had a chance to vote on it let alone truly digest all that was in it. And now even with this 'secret, separate, side agreement' being exposed...still some in Congress...on Obama's urging of course...are pushing for Congressional approval...pushing for a deal that in NO uncertain terms 'aids and abets' the enemy.

And what of Israel who truly has the most to lose...well Israel is rightfully Obama tries to push forward a deal that has the enemy inspecting their own nuclear sites...sites where future bombs having 'Destination Israel' marked on them will eventually be readied for launch. But thankfully some in Congress are starting to see the true intent and ramifications of NOT only this 'very bad deal' itself...with Iran now being afforded the ability to search for evidence of activities that it had previously denied ever existed...but of how they in Congress have been played... a president and his administration who actually want NOT only Israel destroyed but who want our beloved America brought to her knees as well.

Crossing party lines to do the right thing...for some Democrats in Congress are smart enough to know that if Iran has nothing to hide what possible reason do they have for all these hidden stipulations especially agreements excluding international inspectors from overseeing the inspection Democratic New Jersey Senator Robert Menendez, former ranking member of the Foreign Relations Committee who has publicly defied Obama by saying that, "I have looked into my own soul and my devotion to principle may once again lead me to an unpopular course, but if Iran is to acquire a nuclear bomb, it will not have my name on it," Menendez has vowed to NOT only disapprove the 'very bad deal' itself when it comes to vote but will also vote to override any expected Obama veto that will surely come. And Democratic New York Senator Chuck Schumer, the number 3 Senate Democrat, has joined him in pledging to vote against the deal and to vote to override Obama's veto as well.

And joining Menendez and Schumer on the House side are 12 Democrats...12 out of 188 Democrats in the 435-member House...Representatives Steve Israel (NY), Nita Lowey (NY), Grace Meng (NY), Kathleen Rice (NY), Eliot Engel (NY), Albio Sires (NJ), Ted Deutch (FL), Alcee Hastings (FL), David Scott (GA), Juan Vargas (CA), and Brad Sherman (CA) who stated for the record that, “My efforts have one purpose – make it clear that future presidents and Congresses are not bound by this agreement...not legally, not morally, not diplomatically.”

But while more members of Congress are considering voting 'nay' on this 'very bad deal'... especially in light of these newest deliberately deceptive developments...the bottom line remains that it's still all about numbers. And the reality of those numbers is that Republicans must pick up 44 Democrats in the House and 13 in the Senate to reach the needed two-thirds majority to override Obama's sure to come veto, and that is and only is if all Republicans stand strong and show in put campaigning aside for a day or vote 'nay' on this 'very bad deal.' And herein lies the sticking point for while Republicans do expect to garner enough votes to pass the first round...the 'resolution of disapproval'...they still fall short...11 short...of the magic number 13 needed in the Senate to override Obama's veto.

And now as if to add fuel to the comes House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi who says she is confident Obama's deal with Iran will NOT be stopped by Congress...that House Democrats will have the needed votes to pass and then block any veto override. And know that until that vote comes next month, Obama himself, as well as his minions, will be working overtime to sway to his side any Democrats even remotely considering voting 'nay' on this 'very bad deal.'

I just wonder how many times Obama will pull out the 'race card' to get the fence straddlers over to his side...just saying.

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