Sunday, August 9, 2015

Obama Broke Pledge To Thwart Nuclear Terrorist Threat

Iran Deal: Never mind President Obama's sales pitch on Wednesday for his nuclear surrender to Tehran's ayatollah. This deal breaks a campaign promise in the sales pitch he made for himself in 2008.
The falsehoods flew during the president's American University speech this week. The Iran pact is an "arrangement that permanently prohibits Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon," Obama outrageously claimed; "America can trigger snap back (of international sanctions) on our own": United Nations atomic inspectors will get "access even if Iran objects."
He even compared Republicans to Iranians chanting "death to America," and absurdly boasted he's "done more than any other president to strengthen Israel's security."
But forget today's flimflam; re-familiarize yourself with Obama's claims from yesteryear of being a crusader against nuclear terrorism.
"The single most important national security threat that we face is nuclear weapons falling into the hands of terrorists," Obama told voters in a summer 2008 campaign ad.
Referring to minor legislation he supported while in the Senate that did little more than, at a cost of $110 million, "create an office at the State Department to support detection and intervention regarding weapons of mass destruction," Obama said, "what I did was reach out to Sen. Dick Lugar, a Republican, to help lock down loose nuclear weapons."
Candidate Obama added, "We have to lead the entire world to reduce that threat.
Read the rest of the IBD editorial HERE.

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