Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Confrontation With Iran Is Inevitable

Delay only ensures that Iran will be stronger, richer and bolder when the moment comes.
There is only one thing the ayatollahs in Tehran want more than a nuclear bomb: that is for their regime to survive. Thanks to the agreement announced on July 14, they will get both. The deal will strengthen their tyrannical, revolutionary and fundamentalist regime, and they will have the bomb within a matter of years. The Friends of Israel Initiative, of which I am the chairman, has been warning that a bad deal is worse than no deal, and we firmly believe that the present agreement, despite the U.S. administration’s good faith, is a terrible one.
The evil is in the nature of the regime itself, which believes that violence is a legitimate tool to achieve expansionist goals. The Obama administration says that pouring billions of dollars into Iran will tame its aspirations and moderate its behavior. But that argument is based in idle hope. It runs against all we know about the Islamic Republic since its founding in 1979, as well as our experience with other tyrannical regimes, like North Korea’s. Dictators do not dissolve when they are showered in money.
Assuming, as this agreement does, that Iran will moderate its policies, renounce its hegemonic aspirations, reject its terrorist proxies and become a “normal” country is a dangerous gambit. The more likely outcome is an empowered regime, better equipped to pursue its regional interests and perfectly capable of building a nuclear bomb.
President Obama presents a false dichotomy in suggesting that postponing Iran’s path to the bomb is the only way to avoid bloodshed now. There are effective alternatives that fall between this agreement and war.
Though it may be true that the Russians and Chinese would have alleviated some of the pain of sanctions on Iran, it is undeniable that sanctions were taking a heavy toll. The Iranians didn’t come around to talking about their nuclear program after years of secret efforts because they suddenly lost interest. Sanctions worked.
Read the rest of the story HERE.

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