Sunday, July 26, 2015

Ted Cruz Plays Hardball with Chris Matthews (Full interview 07-23-15)

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  1. Chris Mathews the left wing liberal Democrat shows you his thought process in terms of tactics, strategy, and deception, as he accuses Cruz of driving a wedge between Bernie Sanders and Hillary. Cruz was very specific in that he and Sanders were in agreement. Mathews seems to try hard to be unbiased but his liberalism is too well ingrained.

  2. Perhaps you didn't notice how Cruz was quick to put an emotional tie to almost everything except for his thoughts on Jeb Bush? He was ready to unzip Bernie's pant's right there! Ted Cruz is a lawyer. He's spent his life convincing people of things. He emphasizes and repeats words like 104k illegals,198 murderers, Obama administration, Washington Cartel and so on to paint a picture. He understands how to herd the minds of the emotionally driven. When looking at his poll numbers of I believe 4%, Cruz still managed to spin his paltry number into a good thing. Believe me, his $86 donation average per person is a skewed number that certainly does not reflect his corporate sponsors. Would you give Ted Cruz $86? If the answer is yes, then you are being duped. Cruz has an agenda and it's an obvious one. He want's as much controversy on the Democrat side as his side is currently experiencing.

    Remember this video in 2017 when Bernie is president and you will hear a very different Ted Cruz view on President Sanders. Gaurenteed
