Tuesday, July 28, 2015

President Obama's Sanctuary For Killers?

Border Policy: President Obama vowed to veto a House bill to pull cash from cities that flout federal immigration laws. He's given a lot of odd excuses, but in the end he's siding with criminal illegals who now plague the U.S.
There was the wrenching testimony of Jim Steinle, who just this month was walking down a San Francisco tourist pier with his daughter Kate in broad daylight as she was gunned down at his side by a five-times-deported illegal alien.
The gunman, Francisco Lopez-Sanchez, told investigators that he lived in the city because its sanctuary city policies shielded him from being deported. Steinle is just one of many Americans who have been victims of the crime plague of those here illegally.
Worse still, San Francisco Sheriff Ross Mirkarimi crowed proudly about releasing Lopez-Sanchez from jail before he killed Steinle. He was repudiated by his own deputies' union for not allowing them to so much as talk to federal authorities about it.
As a result, on a bipartisan basis, the House last week passed a bill to cut funding for some federal law-enforcement aid programs to sanctuary cities that refuse to cooperate with federal authorities.
It's not exactly Armageddon for the sanctuary movement, but it is a reasonable check on cities' unrestrained flouting of immigration law that makes killers like Lopez-Sanchez possible. Sponsored by Rep. Duncan Hunter, Jr., a San Diego Republican, the bill drew votes from six Democrats who up until now had voted as a party bloc. And no wonder: Polls show that the public wants an end to the plague of crimes by illegals.
With such support, it would seem to be a no-brainer for the president to show his support too. But no such luck. A White House spokesman said that the president would veto the measure.
The justification was surreal. The White House said that the bill "undermines current administration efforts to remove the most dangerous convicted criminals" and failed to enact "comprehensive immigration reform" — a code phrase for amnesty.
Read the rest of the story HERE.

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