Wednesday, June 3, 2015


Immigration: Some 53% of Democrats want illegal aliens to have the vote, according to a new poll. Naturally: Why wouldn't they want millions of new members for their party and its Big Government agenda?
When it comes to likely voters in all categories of the population, Rasmussen Reports has found that 60% don't want those present in the U.S. illegally to be able to vote, while 35% do.
A protester frames her face with an improvised green card 
sign during a march for immigration reform in Los Angeles. AP
But a majority of those identifying themselves as Democrats do want illegals to have voting rights, along with 21% of Republicans and 30% of the non-affiliated.
So much for holding U.S. citizenship in high esteem. Instead of Americans choosing the political leaders of their country, anyone who finds a way to get in and live here should be able to, most Democrats believe.
Many other countries allow voting for people who happen to be there when their elections take place.
The U.S. has rightly been jealous of the power to vote, not least to prevent foreign influence in a world in which this nation and what it stands for has enemies.
Having to wait five years to become a citizen and be eligible to vote emphasizes the high value of being an American; it makes it clear this is not just another country and is a key facet of American exceptionalism.
Read the rest of the story HERE.

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