Saturday, May 2, 2015

Young Adults' Cynicism Starts With Rotten Liberal Education

Youth: As riots roil Ferguson and Baltimore, a new poll shows it isn't just inner-city youth who are disaffected. It seems young adults across America are profoundly dissatisfied with the big institutions of their country.
A new Harvard University Institute of Politics poll suggests that 18-29-year-olds have a deep distrust of major American institutions. Such profound distrust doesn't bode well for our future. 
Only the U.S. military and scientists score over 50% when young Americans are asked if they trust them.
To be sure, many of those institutions (see chart) might deserve distrust. The biased mainstream media has plainly done a poor job. So has Congress. And so have local, state and federal government agencies.
Still, it's disquieting to see that America's young adults have so little faith in the institutions of the richest, freest nation ever. And the cynicism starts early.
A big part of the blame belongs to 40 years of liberal control of our education system, which, coupled with the decline of intact families, has left an entire generation deeply distrustful of America and the institutions that have, over the years, worked quite well.
From the start, kids are taught a litany: America is racist, greedy and hypocritical. Such instruction alienates them from their society and culture.
Yet the doubt and alienation come despite the fact that many young Americans know little about our nation's history or how its government works.
A new survey of eighth graders by the National Assessment of Educational Progress underscores this. It found less than a quarter of those tested are proficient in civics, geography and U.S. history.
In just a few years they too will be cynical young adults, just as those in the Harvard poll.
Read the rest of the IBD editorial HERE.

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