Friday, May 1, 2015

Op-ed: The Truth Behind the Baltimore Lies

The Truth Behind the Baltimore Lies 
By: Diane Sori / The Patriot Factor / Right Side Patriots on CPR Worldwide Media

“I worked with the police and instructed them to do everything that they could to make sure that the protesters we able to exercise their right to free speech. It’s a very delicate balancing act. Because while we try to make sure that they were protected from the cars and the other things that were going on. We also gave those who wished to destroy, space to to do that as well.”
– Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake

LIES folks...the whole damn thing is based on a bunch of LIES. The rioting, the looting, the setting businesses ablaze is all based on LIES...and the black mayor of Baltimore is to blame for the damage all the LIES have caused by her forcing the police to 'stand down' while giving a wink and a nod to those behaving badly who just happen to share the color of her skin.

Abandoning her police officers by knowingly and willingly putting them in harm's way, the police were told to 'stand down' even as they watched innocent people including their own in blue getting hurt... even as they watched private property being what I call 'young black men and a smattering of young black women' continued to thumb their noses at the cops while continuing to behave badly, and did so with their issuing threats of more behaving badly to come.

And even though Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake denied she said those words then admitted she did say them but that she meant just the opposite (yeah right)...the video tapes say it all. Point blank...she said them and as mayor forced the police to follow through on them. And while some of those incriminating tapes will most assuredly 'disappear' they, much to her chagrin, cannot and will NOT all disappear.

So now senior Baltimore law enforcement officials are considering bringing charges against this mayor...charges for saying the words and giving the direct order that legitimized the riots, the looting, and the setting of buildings ablaze by her tying the hands of officers even as they were being pelted with rocks and with bottles. And now this woman...this mayor...who had just met with the race-bating, white-hating, anything but Reverend Al Sharpton...had the nerve to say in yesterday's press conference that, and I quote,“We will get justice for Freddie Gray...believe you me we will get justice" a the very same press conference where she refused to answer reporter's questions...with justice in her eyes being who cares about the facts given in the final police report...a report that has been leaked...which found NO evidence that Freddie Gray's fatal injuries were caused during the videotaped arrest and interaction with police officers. Translation: the police did NOT cause Freddie Gray's death and yet the six officers involved might still be indicted simply to placate those behaving badly.

And now let's speak of some of the other facts being ignored...facts that Gray was most likely hopped up on drugs when he ran for 45 minutes to evade arrest...facts concerning his 18+ previous arrests many if NOT most relating to drugs and with little jail time being adjudicated...facts like Gray previously having numerous spinal surgeries due to a car accident (with a large settlement that seems he squandered away on drugs) with the latest being just 10 days before this all happened, meaning Gray could have re-injured himself in his failed attempt to avoid arrest. And a very critical fact being ignored is that in today's America where the Obama-controlled media dare NOT report the 'truth''s the media itself that actually helps perpetrate the myth and the lie that all blacks having confrontations with the police are victims of police 'misconduct and brutality' and that all police are black-hating racists.

But NO matter as the simple fact remains that Freddie Gray's own actions...the actions of a thug...together with his medical history led to his death. And his death coupled with the media perpetrating the Obama, Sharpton, and Democratic lie that racism is running rampant in police departments nationwide is what has Baltimore ablaze NOT only in fires but in raw racial hated encased in even more lies.

Lies spewed by Democrats about Republicans that have afforded them 95% of the black vote in recent elections...lies about blacks being oppressed by the white man and NOT holding positions of power anywhere in this country...lies believed NO matter that in Baltimore alone the mayor is black; the police commissioner and deputy commissioner are black; and that the police department is 40% black in a city that is 63% black. Lies about white-Americans being racist against blacks NO matter that previous AG Eric Holder and now new AG Loretta Lynch are black; lies told even though a black man...actually a mixed-race man...sits in the White House.

Lies...the problems in Baltimore and in other cities across America are fueled on by lies about white suppression when blacks themselves are the cause of their own problems...with the disintegration of the once solid black family unit where 70% of black children now being born are born to unwed mothers compared to just 25% a few decades ago and with those unwed black mothers having those children by multiple daddies; with 85% of black youths in prison coming from these fatherless homes; and where black youths in some areas of the country drop out of school at a ratio of up to 72% that of their white counterparts.

Lies that have fed into the ongoing 'black victim' mentality...a mentality running rampant especially in the inner cities. 'Black victim' mentality that has many believing that white-America...most specifically white Republicans...are to blame for the lower-class socioeconomic status that many blacks use as their excuse NOT to even try to improve their lot in life. Content with mediocrity or with just getting by most inner-city blacks have proven to have NO fire-in-their-belly to better themselves...for it's better to live free off the government in exchange for their votes...NOT realizing that socioeconomic improvement can only begin with self-improvement coupled with self-empowerment.

And these lies together with self-perceived 'black victim' mentality helps to breed angry young black like Freddie Gray who think they are 'owed' something and who will do whatever it takes to get what they think they deserve. But the problem is that they do so at the expense and heartache of those blacks who have escaped from the 'black victim' mentality as they riot, loot, and set fire to their own people of color's businesses...and now they have an enabler in the guise of their own black mayor giving them permission to do so.

So as Mayor Rawlings-Blake...who happens to be one of three mayors who provided input into Obama’s 'Task Force on 21st Century Policing' that advocates the federalization of police departments nationwide...issued orders allowing 'young black men and a smattering of young black women' to behave badly while telling the police who are sworn to protect the public from the very ones behaving badly to 'stand down'...could now use this unrest to justify the expansion of federal power into Baltimore's local law enforcement allowing her to receive more funding. And lest we forget that this mayor went on national television to personally thank NOT the police but the ISIS supporting, Jew-hating, 'Nation of Islam' for helping to keep the rioters somewhat under control.

And this woman who should be fired post-haste is still mayor simply because in the Obama instigated racially-divided America being black trumps all. So just know and prepare for Baltimore's 'young black men and a smattering of young black women' to continue to behave badly having been given the permission to do so by the very one who should be giving orders to haul their sorry butts off to jail.

And so the race war continues and spreads across Obama and his minions smile the smile of the victor.

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