Wednesday, April 1, 2015

The Republican Presidential Race Is Shaping Up as a Marathon

Crowded Field, Super PACs and New Rules Could Slow a Front-Runner From Clinching
The race for the Republican presidential nomination is shaping up to be one of the most drawn-out in a generation.
The candidate field looks unusually crowded, with more than a dozen contenders appealing to different slices of the GOP. The rise of super PACs allows candidates to stay in the race longer than before. And nominating rules meant to compress the process may complicate a front-runner’s ability to amass the delegates necessary to win.
President Gerald Ford thanks rival Ronald Reagan at 
Republican National Convention in Kansas City, Mo., in 
1976. The contest for the GOP nomination wasn’t decided 
until the convention that year. 
Photo: Gerald R. Ford Library/AP
The result, some GOP strategists say, is that next year’s contest has the ingredients to be the longest since then-President Gerald Ford prevailed over Ronald Reagan at the 1976 convention. The lengthy primary is an outcome that party leaders hoped to avoid after the 2012 race that left their nominee, Mitt Romney, battered and broke heading into the general election.
The potential for an extended primary stems from what many Republicans believe to be a positive development: a crowd of viable candidates expected to run in 2016 and a set of GOP donors who appear eager to finance their bids.
“This cycle, because of all these structural rules changes and the advent of super PACs, people are not going to drop out,” predicted Bill McInturff, a Republican pollster who advised Arizona Sen. John McCain in both of his presidential bids.
Mitt Romney drops out in 2008 and endorses John McCain
Candidates abandon their bids and unify behind the front-runner when either they run out of money or a rival has gathered a majority of delegates, conditions that won’t materialize quickly this time around, he said. “Republicans have created a system where, because of super PACs, it is hard to project someone winning until late May or early June.”
The size of the GOP field and the absence of an obvious front-runner means campaigns will have to devote more time and money to the often-grueling hunt for individual delegates, veteran strategists say. Some warn that if three or four candidates emerge from the early nominating contests in February and early March with a significant share of convention delegates, none may claim the roughly 1,100 to 1,200 delegates needed to clinch the nomination.
Read the rest of the story HERE and view related videos below:

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  1. _________________________________________________

    Harry Reid is proud he LIED about Romney's taxes

    Harry Reid bragged to CNN that the comments,
    which had been described as McCarthyism,

    helped keep Romney from winning the election.


    I loathe Harry Reid to the pit of my guts.
    He’s an absolute traitor to the country.

    ( V7_Sport writes )


    Had Mr. Mitt Romney emerged as president,

    our economy would have been in better shape,
    our foreign policy would not be such a catastrophe.


    Mitt Romney has a remarkable business career

    MITT ROMNEY who has been
    an EXECUTIVE LEADER since his twenties !!!


    Mitt Romney was the Best Choice
    in the previous two elections

    We need to elect someone that has the BRAINS
    to handle the GIG and with PRACTICAL EXPERIENCE
    that can be APPLIED to the ROLE.

    ( TheLoudTalker writes )


    Mitt Romney is the man most people wish would run in 2016.


    FYI — For Your Information:



  2. Romeny isn't running .

  3. "Mitt Romney is the man most people wish would run in 2016."

