Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Obama’s Policies Favor ILLEGALS Over U.S. Citizens

We have immigration laws in this country for two basic reasons: to preserve jobs and to protect national security. President Obama’s unlawful executive actions to grant amnesty to at least 5 million illegal immigrants violate both of those principles. Any objective review must find that his policies have placed the concerns of those who have broken our laws ahead of the interests of U.S. citizens and legal residents.
Obama’s systematic dismantling of our immigration laws began in 2011 with the so-called Morton Memos, which instructed immigration officials to ignore broad categories of people for deportation purposes. That policy was expanded the following year by his Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program. DACA abuses the practice of prosecutorial discretion by halting the deportation of illegal immigrants and by proactively granting them work permits, if they arrived in the United States when they were younger than 16 and have been present for five years, among other criteria. These actions culminated in November 2014, when he acted unilaterally to grant amnesty and work permits to millions more who were already illegally present in this country.
Employment is difficult enough to find for millions of Americans who woke up this morning without a paycheck. On top of that hardship, Obama has now introduced millions of new applicants who will compete for jobs that are already scarce. It is difficult to imagine how such a policy is beneficial to American workers.
Worse, the president has laid out the welcome mat for anyone around the world who seeks illegal access to the interior of the United States. More than a decade ago, the 9/11 Commission warned us terrorists want two things more than anything: to gain entry into this country, and to be able to stay here. Obama’s policies make it unmanageable to screen all those who apply for amnesty, and therefore impossible to know who we are dealing with. This is an open invitation for terrorists to infiltrate our borders.
Read the rest of the op-ed HERE.

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