Thursday, April 23, 2015

Obama: The Iran Nuclear Deal Is Unwritten, But It's The Best We Can Do

Remember the hundreds of thousands of new jobs certain to erupt by 2010 thanks to $1 trillion in extra Obama administration spending? Remember how President Obama vowed swift justice to the murderers of four helpless Americans in Benghazi? Remember how you can keep your doctor and health insurance under ObamaCare?
Remember how Obama promised to halt Iran's development of nuclear weapons because they would launch a nuclear arms race in the world's most volatile region and allow Iran to attempt its avowed erasure of Israel?
Well, folks, your favorite incumbent president is morphing again right before your disbelieving eyes. Here's what he said as recently as early March: "I reserve all options, and my policy here is not going to be one of containment. My policy is prevention of Iran obtaining nuclear weapons."
Now, here's Obama speaking to his favorite New York newspaper early this month: “I’ve been very clear that Iran will not get a nuclear weapon on my watch."
Whoa there, Buckaroos! In just one month we went from "prevention of Iran obtaining nuclear weapons" period to no Iran nukes "on my watch."
If you're counting, like many Americans, we are currently 2,281 days into Obama's "watch." With 640 left to go.
After that, Obama's mother-in-law loses her free White House housing and the slippery South Sider will be golfing and editing the memoirs that ghostwriters churn out. So, by then Obama's OK with a Persian Armageddon?
Some silly people were hoping maybe for once the Democrat was looking beyond short-term political talking points, something more far-sighted than sidling through this week's political dilemmas and gaffes. You know, like a real leader crafting a peace deal for the ages.
As you may have noticed, what Obama really announced April 2 was an agreement to work on a real agreement in the next three months. (Scroll down for C-SPAN video of those Obama remarks.) So, the end of March was really just another phony drop-dead deadline.
The reported deal doesn't close one single Iran nuclear facility.
Read the rest of the op-ed HERE.

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