Thursday, March 26, 2015

Team Obama: Pentagon can't account for $500 million in weapons left in Yemen

You know how sometimes you lose your cellphone, so you ask a family member to call it? And finally you detect the ringing under the bed where the phone fell? Happy ending.
Well, this story is not like that. It seems the Obama administration has misplaced some military equipment, a large amount of military equipment. A very large amount, actually. It doesn't know where about $500 million in weapons and equipment is, in fact.
Houthi rebels in Yemen celebrate more killing. 
(Hani Mohammed/AP)
That's $500,000,000 -- a half-a-billion dollars. Almost as much taxpayer money as it blew on that solar energy company Solyndra, owned by an Obama bundler. Except the Solyndra money went down a political rat-hole.
From ZERO HEDGE a graphic representation 
of all the equipment that has been "misplaced."
This $500 million loss is actual weapons that the U.S. gave to Yemen as part of our joint anti-terrorism program -- and can now be used against American and other friendly forces. You probably didn't hear much about this weapons disaster because only the Washington Post uncovered the story while most attention focused on more unnecessary Hillary Clinton controversies.
Yemen, you may recall, is the country that Barack Obama hailed as such a big success as recently as last fall. Announcing his suddenly-found strategy to fight ISIS in September, Obama said:
“This counter-terrorism campaign will be waged through a steady, relentless effort to take out ISIL wherever they exist, using our air power and our support for partner forces on the ground.
This strategy of taking out terrorists who threaten us, while supporting partners on the front lines, is one that we have successfully pursued in Yemen and Somalia for years."
Unfortunately, all that success came to a smoking halt this winter when Yemen's cooperative government collapsed and Iran-backed rebels took over. Administration officials claimed surprise at the speed of the collapse. There seem to be a lot of surprises with this administrations -- death of the Arab Spring, Benghazi, the explosion of ISIS.
So surprised was the State Department this time that much of the embassy in Sana'a was just abandoned -- equipment, computers, vehicles, Marine weapons -- during the hasty evacuation.
Read the rest of the story HERE.

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  1. Will the neocons finally admit, once and for all, that the USA doesn't know what it's doing over seas? How many more problems are we going to create over there.

  2. Oh come on - how many millions of weapons were left 'unaccounted for' in Vietnam... Let's TRY and get our partisanship on sound foundations, not play to the ignorance of your readers
