Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Op-ed: Never Again ... Never Ever Again

Never Again...Never Ever Again 
By: Diane Sori / The Patriot Factor / RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS on CPR Worldwide Media

“As prime minister of Israel, I have a moral obligation to speak up in the face of these dangers while there’s still time to avert them.”
- Benjamin Netanyahu indirectly speaking to the man who says he has Israel's back while at the same time turning his back on he, Israel's leader

As Benjamin Netanyahu entered the halls of Congress they walked out like little ducks in a row...the Democrats who said they would NOT attend Netanyahu's speech...most but NOT all from the Black Caucus...backing up (I believe) a traitor of a president who did NOT even have the decency to attend...or to have anyone from his administration attend...NOT a one was present for this most important of speeches by the leader of our closest ally in the Middle the world...the Jewish State of Israel.

And an extraordinary speech bordering on the magnificent it was...a speech that gave America a taste of what real leadership looks and sounds like...a speech given in the midst of controversy and outright partisanship solely initiated by the same man who would NOT attend the French rally against muslim islamic terrorism.

And so Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu...invited to speak by Speaker of the House John Boehner...for the third time addressed a joint session of Congress where he explained why he and Israel oppose the Obama administration's deal in the making with Iran. Saying this deal could NOT only threaten the very survival of Israel but could indeed start a Middle East arms race...Netanyahu never wavered in his goal of exposing the flaws in Obama's deal...a deal worked on behind closed doors...a deal in the making ever since a secret meeting was held in Bahrain some time ago...a deal with (I believe) fellow traitor Valerie Jarrett's hands all over it.

And while the Obama deal...which has Iran restricting the number of centrifuges it has for enriching uranium for at least ten years and allows international inspection of its facilities...a deal Netanyahu referred to as the 'Sunset Clause'...actually makes it easy for Iran to move forward enriching uranium then going on to building bombs...bombs with the names 'Israel' and 'America' written upon them.

“Tentacles of terror” that “could well threaten the survival of my country,” BiBi said, making it clear that the deal Obama seeks will NOT prevent a nuclear-armed Iran, but “will all but guarantee” it...will guarantee it as "Iran plans to have 190,000 centrifuges enriching uranium" BiBi warned NOT the 1,600 called for in the 'supposed' deal...NOT the 1,600 the inspectors would only be allowed to inspect and report...the 1,600 whose violations they could do NOTHING tangible about (article continues below video).
See Netanyahu's speech before the Joint Session of Congress here: 

And while Netanyahu explained that Obama's deal is to limit Iran’s capacity so that it would take at least a year for them to build a nuclear weapon even if they choose to violate or break the agreement (which we know they will as they've done it every time before) the West enough time to respond...BiBi reiterated the truth of how Iran could NOT ever be trusted, saying it had a long history of cheating, breaking deals, all while continuing to make “hostile statements” about Israel. Saying again how the Obama deal would give away too much, BiBi rightfully demanded that Iran give up all uranium enrichment.

"The alternative to this bad deal is a much better deal" the Prime Minister said, but if truth be told NO wise man would dare make a deal with the head of the snake who is out to kill us all. Yet under these words said, Benjamin Netanyahu knows this well, that's why he added in a loud and clear voice that, "The days of the Jewish people remaining passive in the face of annihilation...those days are over." 

And with those words those in attendance rose and applauded but one more time out of the 40+ times that BiBi's words brought them to their feet.

And what did Obama do while Netanyahu spoke the truth he dare NEVER speak...Obama's staff had him attending a hastily arranged 'video' conference with some EU leaders to talk about Ukraine at exactly the same time as BiBi's speech so it could be claimed that Obama was NOT snubbing BiBi but was busy. Like 'We the People' are NOT smart enough to see through the ruse of the man who has opposed Netanyahu's address from the time it was first announced...from the man who in retaliation has worked to derail NOT only the speech itself but who has sent his crack campaign A-team to Israel to try and defeat Netanyahu in the upcoming Israeli elections and have him replaced with a more Obama-friendly head of state...from the man who still considers ISIS or ISIL as he calls them (his shout-out of approval to his blood brethren)...a JV team.

See Obama's response to Netanyahu's speech here: (article continues below video).

And this very man had the audacity to criticize Netanyahu's words after being forced to read the transcript as he could NOT even be bothered to watch a rebroadcast or tape of the address. Answering a reporter's question about the speech and the ongoing Iran negotiations, Obama said that in this address Netanyahu added nothing new to the discussion, that Netanyahu had made many of the same claims before when the still in effect interim agreement was first put in place, that the facts show that what Netanyahu said then did NOT come true (remember Iran continues to enrich uranium albeit on a smaller scale so what Obama said is indeed yet another of his many bold-faced lies), and that people should reserve comment on the negotiations until an actual deal is proposed and accepted. Sort of like Obama basically saying in regards to his narcissistic America-hating self that he will NOT seriously attack the enemy (Iran) until that enemy has attacked and done personal damage to him...very bad policy initiated by one very bad president.

And what of his sidekick House Minority Speaker Nancy Pelosi...while she stood when the others did, she turned her back time and again on Netanyahu as he spoke sending a message to those in the Prime Minister himself...and to those of us watching...that first, she is a classless, disrespectful, unmitigated bitch and second, this gesture set the tone for her words to come. And come they did in an issued statement immediately after Netanyahu finished which were, “I was near tears throughout the Prime Minister’s speech...I am saddened by the insult to the intelligence of the United States as part of the P5 +1 nations...Netanyahu could have made the same speech to AIPAC or he could have made the same speech to Congress after the Israeli election. But either of those options would not have directly benefited his reelection campaign and would not have created the same high level of disagreement with the White House...disagreement that benefits the Republican Party whose leader invited him to speak in the well of Congress in the first place.”

How dare dare this miserable excuse of a woman even insinuate that Netanyahu's address was for his political expediency alone when every damn thing she does...every vote she casts...every word out of her vile to support the agenda of the islamist residing in the White House.

But we knew before BiBi even started speaking what Obama and his ilk would say, but along with them one supposedly on our side must be called to task as well for while Republicans and some Democrats showed their outward support for Netanyahu's words and for Israel, shame must be shouldered by possible Republican candidate Rand Paul. While Paul rose and moved his hands ever so slowly together in a silent clap, the look of disgust on his face showed how he...just like his father before him...truly feels about the Jewish State of Israel...and folks...Israel does NOT need....and America does NOT need...another president who does NOT have Israel's back.

So while some on the vile left feel the true purpose for Netanyahu's address was political, and that it will hurt Israeli and American relations for years, NOTHING could be further from the truth for the Prime Minister of Israel...the world's last great statesman...made it clear that Israel will stand alone if need be...that Israel will do what this president will NOT do...that the world must know that Israel will NEVER allow Iran to be in possession of nuclear weapons...and that he knows that “America stands with Israel...that you (Congress) stand with Israel"...and notice NO mention of Obama in those words for Benjamin Netanyahu knows in his heart that Barack HUSSEIN Obama does NOT stand with Israel let alone stand with the country he is supposedly steward of.

So to the the Prime Minister of the country that I have both personal and professional ties to...I say job well done...God Bless you Benjamin Netanyahu...and God Bless and protect the Jewish State of Israel forever.

Never again...NEVER EVER again...period.


Today, Wednesday March 4th on RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS on CPR Worldwide Media from 2 to 4pm EST…Craig and Diane will discuss the House passage of the DHS Funding Bill, of course BiBi Netayahu’s speech before the Joint Session of Congress, and other important issues of the day.

Hope you can tune in:
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