Monday, March 23, 2015

Mandatory Voting? Is Obama Kidding, Or Just Plain Dumb?

Freedom: By suggesting that voting should be mandatory, President Obama — the "smartest president in history" — has endorsed an idea that is unworkable, unconstitutional and probably wouldn't even boost turnout.
At an event in Cleveland this week, an audience member asked Obama about the influence of money in political campaigns.
After giving his hackneyed "elections cost too much and lobbyists have too much influence" spiel, Obama brought up the idea of mandatory voting.
"It would be transformative," he said, and would "counteract money more than anything. If everybody voted, then it would completely change the political map in this country."
This isn't a new concept. Liberals have been pushing the idea of forcing people to the polls for years as a way to increase turnout. What's surprising is that Obama would grab on to this sophomoric idea.
Just making voting mandatory, for example, won't guarantee high participation rates. Turnouts in mandatory voting countries vary widely, from as low as 47% to as high as 90%. And participation has been dropping steadily since the 1980s in countries with and without compulsory voting laws.
A 2014 study found that "compulsory voting laws fail to correlate with a statistically significant boost in turnout" in several countries.
Read the rest of the story HERE.

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1 comment:

  1. Democrat "idea" of forced voting already in action for a LONG time: they vote for people.
