Saturday, March 28, 2015

Iranian Talks: Fit To Be Spied

Diplomacy: Now the White House dubiously charges that Israel spied on the U.S. This president, with Nixonian obsession, is so bent on wrecking relations with our top Mideast ally that we're close to a de facto state of war.
Behold what's buried in Tuesday's Wall Street Journal — a claim of Israeli spying, which was obviously planted by one or more nameless administration officials seeking to make the Israelis' newly re-elected leader look like a U.S. enemy:
"While U.S. intelligence officials believe secured U.S. communications are relatively safe from the Israelis, they say European communications are vulnerable."
The Israelis, it turns out, almost certainly got their information from eavesdropping not on U.S., but on European and Iranian diplomatic communications — which virtually every U.S. embassy in the world does.
The alleged eavesdropping was supplemented by gathering "information from confidential U.S. briefings, informants and diplomatic contacts in Europe," the current and former U.S. officials who spoke to the Journal claimed — the latter practice being little more than what reporters covering the Iranian talks do.
It wasn't so much the alleged spying that upset the president anyway, we are told, but the sharing of the information gathered, especially with members of Congress, "to drain support from a high-stakes deal intended to limit Iran's nuclear program, current and former officials said."
Now why is The Most Transparent Administration In History afraid of information? Shouldn't the U.S. government itself be sharing information about the world's leading terrorist sponsor state with America's staunchest ally in the Middle East? And sharing it with the American people too, through their representatives in Congress, on both sides of the aisle?
Read the rest of the IBD Editorial HERE.

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1 comment:

  1. larrywaite51@gmail.comMarch 29, 2015 at 9:07 AM

    This crazy pretender Prez. is much too expensive for the US right now. Let's arrest him and send him to start his own Caliphate in Yemen or Syria.
