Monday, February 23, 2015

Luis Gutierrez 'Militancy' Threat Shows The Left's Contempt For Rule Of Law

The Law: Seething over a judge's injunction against fiat amnesty, Rep. Luis Gutierrez vows new "militancy" while others vow poll punishment. Mexico has horned in, too. What we have here is a refusal to respect constitutional limits.
If there is anything out there that shows the real aim of the amnesty crowd after Judge Andrew Hanen's ruling to halt President Obama's executive amnesty, it's their vow to achieve their unpopular ends "by any means necessary," with no regard for the law. Sounds like the same kind of lawlessness as, say, ignoring immigration laws.
Leading the charge is Chicago machine Democrat Rep. Luis Gutierrez, who has threatened unprecedented "militancy" against U.S. elected representatives who oppose Obama's issuance of work permits and "deportation relief."
Under pressure, Gutierrez has since claimed he's only meant more voter registration, participation, and anger at Republicans, and presumably not thuggery. But in his case, it only raises questions about how many illegals he's now registering to vote.
I Guess When Louis Doesn't like a law, something 
like this happens .. .
That's because Gutierrez comes from a hard strain of pro-Castro Marxist-Leninist 1960s-style socialism. He's a known admirer of Venezuela's late dictator Hugo Chavez, whose demagoguery and destruction of democratic institutions has left his country a hellhole.
Based on Gutierrez's militancy, it's likely the accent will be on the "anger" part — meaning more sit-ins by illegals, more disruptions of the U.S. Congress by foreigners with no authorization to be here, more harassment visits to homes and children's addresses posted on Twitter, along with Chicago-style dirty tricks and efforts by leftist foreign militants to silence duly elected U.S. representatives doing their job.
And make no mistake, he's on record as saying these foreign lawbreakers are "the only people" he represents. As the U.S. far left — from the Bill Ayers-style terrorists to Obama's own Chicago machine pols — have held for years, the ends justify the means.
Read the rest of the story HERE.

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