Sunday, February 1, 2015

Castro Is Now Issuing Demands On U.S. -- Well Done, Mr. Obama

Soon after President Obama announced plans to normalize relations with Cuba, Sen. Marco Rubio called him the worst negotiator since Jimmy Carter. Cuban officials are now proving Rubio right.
As soon as Obama made his announcement, it became clear he'd pretty much given up the store and gotten nothing in return.
Cuba didn't have to make any concessions on freedom of speech, democratic elections, a market economy. It didn't have to turn over U.S. fugitives, including a convicted cop killer, whom it's been protecting for years.
Indeed, as we noted in this space after Obama's announcement, Raul Castro was soon bragging about how he'd struck a deal with Obama "without a single sacrifice of our principles."
Castro apparently feels no need to do so in the future, either. After the opening round of talks, Cuban diplomat Josefina Vidal told the AP that "changes in Cuba aren't negotiable."
Now, to add insult to injury, Castro has started issuing his own set of demands.
In a speech at the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States summit in Costa Rica on Wednesday, he said there'd be no normalization of relations unless the U.S. ends the trade embargo, closes the naval base at Guantanamo Bay and takes Cuba off the list of state sponsors of terror.
Read the rest of the story HERE.

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