Wednesday, December 24, 2014

What Stories in 2014 Got the Most Attention on USA Today's Website? Find Out ...

Tragic, inspiring, fun, controversial. And, yes, Kim Kardashian. These are the most clicked-on stories of 2014.
This is not a subjective list of the top news of the year. This is a look at the stories that you guys, the readers, clicked on the most across USA TODAY's website, and mobile and tablet apps.
Sometimes, what's most amazing about top news is looking at what's left out. You won't see anything below about Ebola. Not a word about gay marriage. No mention of the Islamic State. The Sochi Olympics aren't here, nor is the legalization of marijuana, the two Malaysia Airline disasters, Bill Cosby, Donald Sterling. Did we mention Ebola didn't make the list?
You did the clicking (or tapping) and we measured the page views. Here, the winners:
10. Coke put your name on the label
For its summer campaign, Coca-Cola replaced its iconic logo on limited edition, 20-ounce bottles of Coke, Diet Coke and Coke Zero with one of 250 popular names. Did your name make it on? A website let fans see who made the the cut, and a tour with 500 stops nationwide let those with less-popular names get their own customized mini-cans.
9. Kim Kardashian released naked photos and we all cared enough to click
First, pictures of her butt were released in an effort to "break the Internet." At least that was the headline associated with the images and a story about Kardashian in Paper magazine. And then, just when the buzz had started to die down (who are we kidding, everyone was still sharing those butt pictures), a second batch of photos was released. There was Kim, completely naked except for some pearls around her neck and her shins modestly covered by the gown she wasn't wearing. "We know you came just to read the article," she tweeted.
8. She stopped to rescue ducklings and people died
Emma Czornobaj's good intentions went horribly wrong when she stopped her car on a Canadian highway to herd wandering ducklings off the road. A motorcycle carrying Andre Roy and his daughter, Jessie, crashed into the back of Czornobaj's car, and both Andre and Jessie were killed. Czornobaj was found guilty on two counts of criminal negligence causing death and and two counts of dangerous driving causing death. She was sentenced to 90 days in prison and a 10-year driving ban.
Read the rest of the 10 HERE.

I have to admit ... other than the TOP 3, It wasn't me doing the clicking.

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