Monday, December 29, 2014

There are Options for Health Insurance that Isn't Obamacare

John Lavey was always skeptical about the Affordable Care Act. This fall, he finally decided to opt out of it altogether by dumping the health-insurance plan he had bought to comply with the law’s requirements.
Last year, Mr. Lavey, a 61-year-old resident of Southern California’s Orange County, got a letter from his health insurer warning him that his policy didn’t meet the law’s requirements and a replacement would mean sharply higher premiums. Reluctantly, he bought a new plan, at a monthly cost more than double that of his previous coverage, partly to ensure that his family could keep seeing doctors at a nearby medical group.
John Lavey signed up for Medi-Share, part of Christian 
Care Ministry, which aims to let participants help each 
other with medical expenses. Sandy Huffaker for The WSJ
But the bills—for a plan he never wanted—grated on him. In September, he made a big decision: He would quit traditional health insurance altogether. Instead, Mr. Lavey, himself an insurance broker who sells property and casualty coverage but not health plans, enrolled in Medi-Share. The service, part of Christian Care Ministry, a nonprofit based in Melbourne, Fla., aims to allow participants to help each other with medical expenses.
You can Check Out Medi-Share HERE
The cost to cover Mr. Lavey’s family is now about $400 a month less, he says. “I’m saving money,” and the service is “lining up with our family’s faith and what we believe, so that’s important, too.” To join Medi-Share, consumers have to sign an attestation of Christian faith and promise to abstain from tobacco, illegal drugs and sex outside of marriage; certain things, such as abortion and contraception, aren’t covered.
Mr. Lavey also likes that he isn’t in a health-law plan, since he remains opposed to the law. “I don’t agree with how Obamacare was set up,” he says. “I felt like we’re being forced into this program and take it or leave it.” Now, he says, “it’s kind of like I beat the system.”
Read the rest of the story HERE.

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