Wednesday, December 31, 2014

NYP: Hey GQ, can’t find any Crazy Democrats? Here are 16

In a survey of the “Craziest Politicians of 2014,” GQ had difficulty locating any Democrats. Seventeen out of 20 on the list were Republicans, with the only liberals being Texas Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee, Georgia Rep. Hank Johnson and America’s reigning nabob of nuttiness, Joe Biden.
In a note appended to the story, GQ defensively said it wasn’t guilty of “standard liberal-media bias,” it just couldn’t find any loony Democrats to speak of.
Let’s give GQ a little help, shall we? Here are 16 more Democrats to the list of the most cra-cra political figures.
Rep. Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, Democratic National Committee Chair (Fla.):
Compared Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker to a wife-beater: “Scott Walker has given women the back of his hand. I know that is stark. That is direct. But that is reality. What Republican tea party extremists like Scott Walker are doing is they are grabbing us by the hair and pulling us back. It is not going to happen on our watch.” Wait, I’m confused, this abuse already happened, is happening but “it’s not going to happen”?

Rep. Barbara Lee (Calf.):

Called for a $26 minimum wage so that “people . . . could afford to live in areas now where they cannot afford to live” and “you would increase diversify in certain communities where you don’t have diversity anymore. You would have economic parity.” Nah, $26 an hour isn’t going to diversity Park Avenue. Try $260 an hour, that’ll work!
Sean Eldridge and Chris Hughes, rich and clueless:
Eldridge tried to buy a New York Congressional seat, purchasing a $5 million house in one district, then, when that didn’t work, grabbing a $2 million home in another. He outspent his opponent 3-to-1, but still lost (dashing his hopes, the Daily Beast reports, of being “the first openly gay president”). Meanwhile, Eldridge’s husband, Facebook co-founder Hughes, decided to take out his frustration on the magazine he bought, The New Republic. He fired the editor and said the tweed jacket brigade would become a “vertically integrated digital-media company.” The liberal writers who lost their minds over this made up a crazy list all its own.
Gubernatorial nominee Wendy Davis (Texas):
Approved a disparaging ad that featured images of a wheelchair like the one her opponent Greg Abbott has had to use for years since a freak accident. The ad was credited with adding five points to Abbott’s huge margin of victory.
Find the other 11 HERE.

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