Monday, November 17, 2014

OBAMAmess: How Obamacare's Medicaid Enrollees Strain the System

New Mexico’s decision to expand Medicaid has been a lifesaver for Kevin Gibson but a conundrum for his nurse practitioner.
The 46-year-old Mr. Gibson this year got coverage under the plan, went for a checkup and learned he had prostate cancer. Before 2014, Medicaid rules wouldn’t have considered him needy enough for eligibility. But the expansion, tied to the federal health overhaul, made him eligible, and last month Medicaid paid for robotic surgery to treat his cancer.
Nurse practitioner Jodi Padgett gives a checkup to Kevin 
Gibson at her practice in Farmington, N.M. 
John Francis Peters for WSJ
For his nurse practitioner, Jodi Padgett, the surge of Medicaid enrollees like him creates new opportunities, because some overworked local doctors are turning away new beneficiaries who then visit her practice. But Medicaid, the health plan for the poor funded by state and federal dollars, pays far less than private insurance. Mr. Gibson’s visits paid about $80, compared with about $160 for a patient with private insurance. Her profits are narrowing as she takes on more such patients, and she may eventually need to turn away additional beneficiaries.
The two New Mexicans in San Juan County show how Medicaid’s explosive growth—hastened by the Affordable Care Act—has created a paradox.
Many Americans with low incomes now have health coverage they couldn’t have gotten before this year under the act, widely called Obamacare. But their sheer numbers are straining some health-care systems that already don’t have enough doctors and staff. And the new Medicaid enrollees can challenge medical practices’ bottom lines in ways that lead them to turn some away.
Almost nine million additional Americans now have coverage through Medicaid as a result of changes that took effect this year under the 2010 act. Still more are expected to join after the second sign-up drive for coverage starts on Saturday across the country. Another four million are projected to join Medicaid’s rolls in the coming year.

Read the rest of the story HERE.

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  1. ______________________________________

    Rx for ObamaCare:
    Republicans must perform RADICAL SURGERY

    Betsy McCaughey

    Americans aren’t stuck with ObamaCare,
    at least not for longer than we’re stuck with Obama.

    When he’s gone, REPEAL and REPLACE IT.

    In the meantime, a Republican Senate
    owes voters a good faith effort
    to get rid of its worst parts.


    These new Republican senators better live up
    to their pledges and put bills on the president’s desk
    to repeal the worst parts of ObamaCare.

    Don’t throw us mere crumbs,
    such as repeal of the medical-device tax.

    The Obama administration pulled every trick
    to prevent this rout.

    It ILLEGALLY DELAYED the employer mandate
    for two straight years

    because employers were cutting their workers’ hours

    This year, it delayed open enrollment
    on the ObamaCare exchanges
    from Oct. 15 until after Election Day –
    a shrewd move,

    since “glitches” are expected
    to inflict more chaos on us the second time around.

    Sure, Republicans don’t have the 60 votes needed,
    under Senate rules, to fend off a filibuster.
    But they can certainly see if a few Democrats
    are willing to do more than talk about “fixing” ObamaCare.

    And the GOP only needs 51 senators to pass bills
    pertaining to spending and taxes
    under the “reconciliation” procedure.

    Democrats used reconciliation
    to weasel ObamaCare through in 2010.

    McConnell ought to fight fire with fire,
    using reconciliation to repeal the following parts
    of the law, and dare the president to use his veto:

    • Repeal the job-killing employer mandate (Sec. 1513).
    Because of this, employers are
    holding their full-time workforce below 50
    and pushing other workers below 30 hours a week.

    • Repeal the freedom-killing individual mandate (Sec. 1501).

    • Eliminate navigators (Sec. 1311).
    This is a permanent job bank for community activists,
    unions and other friends of the Democratic Party,
    … instead of relying on government employees.
    This scheme uses your premiums to fund
    the shadow army of the Democratic Party
    in between elections.

    • Repeal the bailout for insurers (Sec. 1342).
    The law encourages insurers to price plans below cost,
    since taxpayer money makes them whole
    for most losses at the end of the year.
    John Q. Public is paying to fool himself
    and make ObamaCare look affordable.

    • Repeal the controls on your doctor: Sec. 1311h1(B)
    empowers the secretary of Health and Human Services
    to dictate how doctors treat privately insured patients.
    That can force your doctor to choose
    between doing what’s best for you
    and avoiding a government penalty.

    • Repeal IPAB (Sec. 3403),
    the panel of 15 unelected, unaccountable bureaucrats
    empowered to slash Medicare payments.


    So far ObamaCare has put 6 million
    previously uninsured people on Medicaid
    and enrolled 2.5 million in ObamaCare private plans.
    That’s small potatoes in a country of 318 million,
    and a trivial payoff for tens if not hundreds of millions
    in new federal subsidies.


    ObamaCare Security: Still on Life Support
    has been described by experts as a ‘hacker’s dream.’


    The rollout last fall of,
    was a disaster that still scars people’s perceptions
    of the law and no doubt contributed to
    the drubbing Democrats took in the midterm elections.

    The bar for success was thus very low
    for the Nov. 15 start of the open enrollment period
    for ObamaCare’s second year.





  2. ______________________________________

    Rx for ObamaCare:
    Republicans must perform RADICAL SURGERY

    Betsy McCaughey


    A Catastrophe Like No Other

    “If you like your health-care plan,
    you can keep your health-care plan, period.”

    “If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor, period.”

    You cannot look at ObamaCare and
    call it anything but a HUGE, HISTORIC MESS.

    NANCY PELOSI literally said —
    blithely, mindlessly, but in a way forthcomingly —
    that we have to pass the bill to find out what’s in it.

    Nancy Pelosi’s statement was a historic admission
    that she was fighting hard for something
    she herself didn’t understand,
    but she had every confidence regulators
    and bureaucratic interpreters
    would tell her in time what she’d done.
    This is how [ Democrates ] make laws now.


    IF you LIKED
    your doctor, your plan,
    your network, your coverage,
    your deductible
    you could NOT keep it.


    ObamaCare has terrorized millions
    who did have insurance and lost it,
    or who still have insurance and may lose it.

    A program whose complexity is
    so utter and defeating that
    it defies any normal human attempt
    at comprehension.


    There’s a brute test of a policy:
    IF you knew then
    what you know now,
    would you do it ?

    There are very, very few Democrats
    who would do ObamaCare over again.

    Some would do something different,
    but they wouldn’t do this.

    The COST of the BLUNDER has been TOO HIGH
    in terms of policy and politics.

    By Peggy Noonan — April 4, 2014


