Wednesday, October 15, 2014

ISIS Rationale and Justification for the Enslavement of Women

In a new publication, ISIS justifies its kidnapping of women as sex slaves citing Islamic theology, an interpretation that is rejected by the Muslim world at large as a perversion of Islam.
"One should remember that enslaving the families of the kuffar -- the infidels -- and taking their women as concubines is a firmly established aspect of the Shariah, or Islamic law," the group says in an online magazine published Sunday.
The title of the article sums up the ISIS point of view: "The revival (of) slavery before the Hour," referring to Judgment Day.
The fourth edition of the group's English-language digital magazine called "Dabiq" said that female members of the Yazidi sect, an ethnically Kurdish minority living mostly in Iraq, may legitimately be captured and forcibly made concubines or sexual slaves.
Read the rest of the story HERE and view a related video below:

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  1. Islam is woman abuse run amok.

  2. islam is a cancer on society and needs to be removed permanently

  3. Not everyone who is Muslim agrees with this in fact most don't so don't say Islam is a cancer or a women abuse say isis is because i know that there are Christian, Jewish, Moorman,and Hindu, secs that belive in the same thing too.

  4. Anonymous at 12:46 pm,

    In spite of your terrible communication skills, I believe you are trying to compare Muslim beliefs about women with Mormon ones. Don't. There is no resemblance at all between moderate Muslim beliefs about women and beliefs about women in the Church of Jesus Christian of Latter-day Saints (Mormon).

    I am a member, as well as a woman, in the"Mormon" church, and we run our own organization, the Relief Society, as well as organizations for the Young Women and the Primary organization for the children on two levels locally and on the general level. Please go to and look up general conference, which is held every six months. You can hear or read sermons taught by women leaders in every single general conference in art least the past 30 or 40 years.
    Anyone who believes Mormon women are oppressed is incorrect.

    You may also want to go to a theatre near you to watch the new film Meet the Mormons. It's not about doctrine, but about the lives of some different church members. It is VERY uplifting and all proceeds go to charity. I think the Red Cross. There is a cure for your ignorance; it's called"facts." I encourage you to find them.


  5. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Sorry spell check messed me up.

