Saturday, September 13, 2014

Op-ed: War ...America is Indeed at War

War...America is Indeed at War
By: Diane Sori

"War is the wrong terminology."
- Secretary of State John 'Swiftboat' Kerry trying to claim that America is NOT at war with ISIS

WAR...guess Kerry just does NOT know what constitutes war...or just does NOT want to accept the fact that once again America is at war...this time being dragged into war by a president who fears declaring war for political reasons alone and who has NO idea or desire to fight a war so that America wins.

And Kerry's cluelessness as to what is war could easily be solved if he went to a dictionary and looked it up for if he did he'd find that war is simply any conflict carried on by force of arms between nations or between parties within a nation whether it be by land, sea, or in a state or period of armed hostility or active military operations. And war...albeit a very limited and targeted exactly what Barack HUSSEIN Obama initiated when he ordered the first bomb to be dropped on ISIS. (article continues below video)

                            Click on link to hear John Kerry's words.                        

And with John 'Swiftboat' Kerry obviously clueless...deliberately clueless perhaps... as to what makes certain actions...even limited actions...a war...he just does NOT get that even Obama's ’NO strategy' strategy is indeed an act of war...a misguided war but a war nevertheless...a war maybe NOT against a country per se but a war against an enemy within a country just the same.

“What we are doing is engaging in a very significant counter-terrorism operation, and it's going to go on for some period of time." While Kerry might be right to some degree about the fact that this conflict will indeed be going on for quite some time...the fact is it does NOT have to if Obama would act like a true Commander-in-Chief and give the order to 'shock and awe' the savages called ISIS back to the bowels of hell from which they came. And Kerry's continuing bloviations that "many different things that one doesn’t think of normally in context of war,” do indeed meet the definition of war.

And as Kerry keeps addressing what amounts to NOTHING more than semantics what he should be addressing...but obviously will the fact that Obama is trying to defeat ISIS without American 'boots on the ground' and without Arab 'boots on the ground' as well. And this anything but a true strategy is sadly doomed to fail... deliberately and calculatedly doomed to fail...for with ISIS completely melded into the civilian populace in the major cities of Mosul, Fallujah, and Ramadi, it will take hard-core urban warfare...a door-to-door, hand-to-hand campaign if you clear all of ISIS out of Iraq and Obama knows it. But his hoping that with some additional training and with some additional weapons this will allow Iraqi forces to do the job on their own is at best misguided thinking...outright dangerous thinking at worst...for Obama knows damn well that Iraqi troops have high-tailed it and ran in the past when the going got tough and he knows that without American troops by their side they will do so again...allowing ISIS to grow stronger, bolder, and more determined than ever before.

And stronger ISIS continues to grow as what was approximately 7,000 or so members back in June has now...according to the CIA...grown into an army of 31,500+ members (some estimates by other sources are as high as 80,000 members)...31,500+ members with each and every one of them determined 'in the name of allah' to kill us all. Picking up new members as they stormed through town after town in Iraq, ISIS has grown into and operates as a government of sorts as it's ISIS alone that now provides...or withholds...electricity, food, and water to the towns they take over.

And ISIS has NEVER hidden their goal of establishing a Sunni caliphate NO matter how many times Obama croaks that ISIS is NOT islamic. And ISIS is well on its way to that goal as they now... according to some estimates...control about 35,000 square miles extending from Syria though Iraq...a current swath of land roughly the size of Jordan...a swath of land with over 6 million people now living under their control...a swath of land that grows with each passing day. And ISIS has cash and assets on hand...a war chest if you will...of up to $2,000,000,000 (well above the assets of other terrorists groups like the Taliban and Hezbollah which only have assets of about half a million dollars each) well as garnering $3,000,000 a day on the black market from its captured oil and gas fields from which they can continually replenish their war chest.

But while ISIS has most assuredly grown into the most powerful militant group in Iraq...the most powerful militant group ever...its stranglehold on Iraq does rely to some degree on negotiating with smaller militant groups to forge alliances with them. And these groups include the notorious Mujahedeen Army, the 1920 Revolution Brigades, Ansar al-Islam/Ansar al-Sunna, the Army of Muhammad, and others all fighting against the current Iraqi government...all currently tied in with ISIS, but all still operating somewhat independently on their own or in conjunction with al-Qaeda, the very terrorist group that has deemed ISIS to radical, brutal, and extreme even for them.

And these alliances mean that ISIS is NOT as invincible as they and others think for alliances can be broken and new sides taken, and that fact can be 'manipulated' and used to help implode ISIS from within while at the same time having ISIS hit from without. But this would require strong and dedicated alliances on our side along with highly detailed strategic coordination that this president is simply incapable of doing...strategy that includes both a non-stop carpet bombing campaign that hits ISIS in both Iraq and Syria simultaneously so that ISIS has nowhere to run, coupled with the afore mentioned strong alliance of both Arab and American 'boots on the ground.'

But such alliances we sadly do NOT have as the commitment of the nine nations Obama says he has on board is weak at best as NO deal has yet been worked out with Turkey (as I write this), the Saudis big contribution (sarcastically said) to this alliance is to help train some Sunni forces to fight against ISIS (which will bring Iran into the mix for they will in turn then aid the opposing Shi'ite forces cancelling out whatever the Saudis do); Britain and Germany have announced that they will NOT join Obama's air campaign against Syria; Jordan refuses to say publicly it is in the fight; and the Arab world continues to question where Obama's true loyalties lie even though it's obvious to most that he sides time and again with his brethren over the country he was elected to lead.

So even with the facts presented, the bottom line for some...some like John 'Swiftboat' Kerry and Barack HUSSEIN Obama...remains a battle of semantics as are we at war with ISIS or are we NOT in a war with ISIS...but semantics and words mean little when the truth is that whatever words one chooses to use the end result is that the savages known as ISIS are indeed out to kill us all.
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