Monday, August 11, 2014

Rick Santorum at the 2014 Family Leadership Summit (Full Speech 08-09-14)

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  1. Speaking to a group of Christian movers and shakers, Santorum offered up a new demographic for them to reach out to for building the GOP and winning elections: the everyday American worker. These are the people of blue collar, middle America who don't hear either party speaking to or about them and their concerns. They share our conservative values but not to the extent that that alone brings them out to the polls. Conservatives would be wise to embrace Santorum's message, THE blueprint for winning that not only unifies the GOP but the country as well. In 2012 his campaign blazed across the Heartland of this country and he nearly toppled the pre-anointed Rominee despite being outspent 5, 6, even 10 to 1 with a barebones staff and meager funds. That alone is incredible, but the media and establishment bosses want us to forget it ever happened. Santorum has his finger on the pulse of this country and is truly a man of the people; no handlers, no teleprompters, no special interest strings attached. He is wholly presidential in every way possible and I pray he runs in 2016. I'm with him 100%.

  2. I have been following Senator Santorum since the debates for the 2012 election. Something has changed. There is a deeper fire a deeper Vision that will truly Restore the American way of Life that this generation is missing. If you haven't heard him in a long time, or never even bothered, you must. If you are like so many of us that see our pockets empty because costs of living life in general have not caught up with the American Workers Wages this is for you, If you wonder why you are competing for low paying jobs this is for you, If you want to build a business or you have a business and government regulation is hurting your company or dreams this is for you, If you feel the real war on women and children is because one income cannot support a family then this is for you, if you are concerned about our open borders then this is for you. If you are upset with our standing in the world then this is for you. This is a game changer speech that every American needs to see.

  3. I agree with you completely,Shirley Widlacki! I pray this honest and dynamic TRUE Conservative runs and WINS 2016! It will be the first real Conservative the GOP has offered in decades! And I'll go a step further - We need this man to be the VOICE for Conservatism in this country NOW. Conservatives would do well to coalesce EARLY around this great candidate and GOOD man. Americans desperately need LEADERSHIP!

  4. I love it! Mr. Santorum hits another home run! This is the kind of leadership we need at the top. He's going to make a wonderful president! Great strength of character and amazing depth of understanding on all issues.
