Sunday, July 6, 2014

Why Democrats Lie about How Poor They Are

Hillary Clinton claimed that, at the moment she and her husband were signing up for $18 million in book deals, that they were “dead broke.” 
Harry Reid (who lives in the Ritz-Carlton Hotel) said liberals are getting bullied by Republican billionaires but the Democratic Party “doesn’t have many billionaires” behind it.
Joe Biden (family earnings: $407,000 last year plus a free house, driver, meals, etc.) claims he “I don’t own a single stock or bond. . . . I have no savings accounts . . . I’m the poorest man in Congress.” (Triple fail: Joe isn’t poor, isn’t in Congress and wouldn’t be the poorest member of it if he were.)
Right here in New York, we’ve learned that City Council Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito, the daughter of a wealthy doctor who left a $6.7 million inheritance, took advantage of a no-interest loan intended for underprivileged New Yorkers to buy a Harlem townhouse. Then she forgot to declare the rental income on required city disclosure forms. The townhouse you and I helped buy her for $240,000 is today worth $1.2 million. 
The more Democrats insist on their proletarian cred, the more absurd it gets. They’re no longer just holier than thou: Now they’re prolier than thou.
Reid is worth about $3 million to $6 million and declined to release his tax returns even as he was screaming about Mitt Romney’s. His statement that “we don’t have many billionaires” was wrong too. Politifact dug up 22 billionaires who have made campaign donations to super PACs lately. Most of them — 13 — sent their checks to liberal and Democratic groups.
Read the rest of the story HERE.

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1 comment:

  1. Hillary Clinton’s IMPOVERISHED Claims
    Clintons pretend not to be enormously RICH
    Clinton’s BIZARRE sense of financial vulnerability

    Since Clinton hasn’t shown off any innovative ideas
    or policy solutions right now, she is
    riding on her persona. She better have a back-up plan.

    When it comes to the Clintons —
    they don’t BELIEVE they are like everyone else
    (fly commercial?! shop for sales?!) and yet
    they feel compelled to PRETEND so.


    Hillary Clinton left the White House with a tidy
    $8 million book advance.

    Their finances surely improved from 2000-2008.
    “Former President Bill Clinton and Senator Hillary
    Rodham Clinton earned a combined $109 million
    between 2000 and 2007 and paid $33.8 million in
    federal taxes.”

    Between 2008 and 2012, Bill Clinton got his
    annual $200,000 presidential pension and gave
    speeches on a regular basis; Hillary Clinton drew
    her salary as secretary of state, about $200,000
    per year. Bill Clinton released a book in 2011,
    with an undisclosed advance.
    The advance for Hillary Clinton’s just-published
    memoir was pegged at $13 million to $14 million.
    That still didn’t stop her quest for more income.

    Hillary Clinton has been giving six-figure speeches
    since she left the State Department, accepting
    the largess of all sorts of private financial interests.

    So when is ENOUGH money, you know, ENOUGH ?

    Why would Hillary Clinton claim POVERTY with an income record like that?

    What motivates her and why she apparently
    has felt so DEPRIVED while living in the lap of LUXURY.


    Right Turn: June, 2014

    Jennifer Rubin writes the Right Turn blog


    When the Defaults Come, So Will the Wealth Grab

    The biggest problem with the epic
    Central Bank rig of the last five years is that

    by PRINTING MONEY only works for so long.
